The following sample document has been created as a public service guide that can be adapted to each state. It is meant to be used by private citizens who wish to pursue such action as allowed by law and described in this document. One does not need an attorney to file a complaint with your state Attorney General, as outlined.
Mandatory Vaccination Exemption Resources
RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION RESOURCES In seeking a religious exemption, along with the information in the following links, the request should be based on “my personal, individual, long-standing, strongly held religious belief.” The emphasis is on personal religious belief, not the teachings/doctrine of any particular religion – …
Push Back Against COVID Shots – Legal Information
August 8, 2021, courtesy of Defending the Republic Push back against Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations! Here is information based on publicly available sources – that you can use to write a letter or with which to seek the assistance of legal counsel: There are No Licensed …
‘Form Examplars’ for you to use against Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations
August 16, 2021; Defending the RepublicSource page: covid | Defending The Republic Push back against Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations ‘Form Examplars’ for you to use or to consult with an attorney. Assumption of Liability – in the case of mandatory vaccinations to retain employment or for other …
About the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program
accessed August 16, 2021 (current as of November 2020) About CICP | Official web site of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration ( Download the CICP fact sheet The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act, established liability protections for covered persons …
Assumption of Liability Agreement
August 9, 2021; Courtesy of “Assignment:(a) The Assumptor agrees to accept all liabilities embodied herein or foreseeable without set-off, recourse or any other claim whatsoever.(b) The Assumptor agrees that all third parties shall have the right to rely upon this Agreement for collection of …
Legal Notice – By authority of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation
August 9, 2021; courtesy of “By authority of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, I do hereby exercise my right to refuse to submit to or to administer the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy injection heretofore knownas the “COVID-19 Vaccine.” You are hereby put on …
Prominent Law Professor Sues His School Over Vaccine Policy
Imposing a constitutionally dubious vaccine policy at a public university that not only has some of the top classical liberal law professors in the country but is also intimately connected with a global network of freedom advocates is a recipe for a lawsuit. That’s exactly what George Mason …
CVIRS – Citizens’ Vaccine Injury Reporting System
Vax Injury Medical Questionnaire