Scientific Dissent- Truth for Health Foundation

The Attack on Scientific Dissent Becomes Ever More Brutal

“In this ‘Age of Lysenkoism,’ the approach is to use the hysterical media to go on the attack, to smear, and blame the skeptics who question failed policies and mandates, for the very failure of the policies and mandates that were implemented. It has gotten to a point now where the media has garnered near zero credibility and the public believes near zero in terms of what the media prints. ”

Rescuing Covid Patients from Death

Rescuing Covid Patients from Death From Dr. Breggin’s Introduction: “Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD is an outstanding physician, a force in the ethical and scientific treatment of COVID-19. She recently started the public charity, Truth for Health Foundation, and has already taken on some of the most difficult medical tasks in the world today—rescuing COVID-19 patients from death at the …


Remdesivir Facts

WHO on Remdesivir:  the WHO recommends AGAINST the use of remdesivir because they found that it was in effective against Covid in a scientific review. Also mention that a Pharmacoviligance study found that it caused Kidney injury at rate 20-fold above what was expected (9 exp. versus 138 found) The odds ratio of AKI …

Pharma Budget Impact at FDA

Important article showing that drug compliance fees, paid by pharmaceutical companies, account for pay for roughly 1/2 of the FDA’s budget. This helps the public understand why “Big Pharma” has so much power over FDA decisions that SHOULD be impartial and work serve the public safety concerns. The FDA is actually heavily influenced by and …

European Union Database tops 20,000 Vax Deaths

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, as of mid-August they are reporting 20,595 fatalities, and 1,960,607 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. This catastrophic level of damage has led Truth for Health Foundation to convene a Citizens VACCINE SAFETY Review Board. We present the medical risks and complications in the USA in …


STATEMENT FROM DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Paul E. Alexander, PhD Health Research Methodologist Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical epidemiologist, Former WHO-PAHO and US Health and Human Services (HHS), consultant/senior COVID Pandemic advisor, Former McMaster A ProfessorEvidence-Based Medicine. Currently Director of Evidence-Based Medicine and Research Methodology for Truth for Health Foundation. “Children do not readily acquire SARS-CoV-2 (very low …