Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Fear has been pervasive in our lives for the last two years, much of it deliberately ramped up by the media as a way of controlling people’s lives. …
The Key to Surviving COVID is to Stay Out of the Hospital
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Patients trapped in hospitals being denied effective treatment and denied access to their families and advocates is the real story you won’t hear in media circles, but it …
Are Hospital Administrators’ COVID Protocols Killing Patients?
Hospital administrators are in lockstep across America forcing medical professionals to use COVID protocols that bring incentive bonus payments to the hospitals but end up causing staggering death rates for …
How is Medical Tyranny Costing Lives in America and the World?
What are the medical truths on which Hippocratic Medicine is based that are being eroded today by government agencies, political agendas, big pharma, and big tech? How is medical tyranny …
Covid Treatment Conference at Westgate Baptist Church in Spartanburg, SC
Conference on COVID Treatment Strategies and Methods hosted at Westgate Baptist Church.
Injured by the COVID shot? These are the ‘real treatments’
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD is on a mission to spread medical truth about COVID-19, the jab, and early treatments. She points out that people who’ve experienced vaccine injuries should …
Why pregnant women should AVOID the genetic COVID shots.
July 3, 2021 (~ 2:30 min, Rumble) In a dramatic departure from medical ethics standards in place for decades, the CDC has been recommending that pregnant women get the new …
The Slide into Stalinist Medical Tyranny
July 21, 2021 DrLee4America Dr. Francis Christian, Canadian trauma surgeon, fired from faculty position for explaining informed consent to parents concerned about experimental vaccines for their children; and Pam Popper, …
STOP THE SHOT! Get the Rest of the Story
July 10, 2021 DrLee4America Two international experts take on the untold story of the serious risks with the COVID mRNA genetic vaccines. This is a no-holds-barred discussion about the ways …
Doctors Say NO to Medical Tyranny
July 4, 2021 DrLee4America On Viewpoint This Sunday, our goal here is to not just report the facts and the news but to understand the core of the problem and offer …