Faith Over Fear – 9.13.23 – FIGHTING PROSTATE CANCER & HEART DISEASE: Our Challenging Journey to RecoveryFaith Over Fear

What do you do when you learn your husband – you thought was fit and healthy –suddenly is told he has stage4 Prostate Cancer, a dilated thoracic aortic aneurism, and while dealing with a lumbar disk protrusion causing severe sciatic pain sidelining him from training? How do you wrap your head around all of this …

Faith Over Fear – 8.29.23 – The Looming Financial Crisis: Action Steps to Prepare Part II

Speaker: Tory Aggeler, Senior Precious Metals Advisor, McAlvany ICA What can you do to prepare for financial upheaval that is heading our way? What are steps to take for the health of your portfolio? What are the options for investing in gold and silver, as well as tax-advantaged strategies to keep more of your income …

Faith Over Fear – 8.22.23 – The Looming Financial Freedom Crisis: Action Steps to PrepareFaith Over Fear

Speakers: Todd Callender, Esq. International Attorney, CEO Cotswold Group, and CEO CloutHub & Tory Aggeler, Senior Precious Metals Advisor, McAlvany ICA Topics include: the Global macro-economic picture, impact of debt and spending on our rising inflation and interest rates, effects on US dollar, recession/depression concerns, banking sector instability, geopolitical tensions and their impact on our …

FAITH OVER FEAR – 8.8.23 – Food as Medicine & Treatment Options YOU Control

As the news constantly bombards us threats of new “pandemics,” and we have experienced the failure of our medical system during COVID to provide truthful information and treatment to help people facing viral and other illnesses, our message for this progam is that YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS OVER YOUR HEALTH! God has given us MANY …

FAITH OVER FEAR – 7.18.23 – Turn Your Back Yard into Resources for Self-Sufficiency, Health & Resilience

Learn from the steps two families have taken to provide healthier food options for their families as we face more and more sources of contamination of our food supply with mRNA “vaccines” for livestock and vegetables, increasing environmental endocrine disrupters and food additives that are inflammatory and disrupt our endocrine systems. Navy Commander Rob Green, …

FAITH OVER FEAR – 07.11.23 – CONNECTING THE DOTS ~ WHAT’S BEHIND WHAT’S COMING? Your action steps to prepare.

Presented by:Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD. Preventive and Climacteric MedicineKathy Kresnik, Director of Health and Resilience How are all the events we face now connected to a classified plan put forth by Henry Kissinger for the US Govt in 1974? Dr. Vliet connects the dots to show connections with today. And then…What if you lost electricity, …