FAITH OVER FEAR – 7.4.23 – Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines: A Story of Hope for Those Who Love Liberty

Speaker:Navy Commander Robert A. Green, Jr. As we honor the true meaning of INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4, 2023 , our speaker discusses the current tyranny we have faced in the COVID mandates in light of the challenges faced by our Founding Fathers. His message to the American people is clear: The crisis faced by military …

Faith Over Fear – 5.30.2023 – Memorial Day 2023 Reflection: Will We Turn Back to God and Restore America? Or Face A Requiem for Our Republic?

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.,President and CEO, Truth for Health Foundationand Daughter of the American Revolution On Memorial Day 2023, we honored the fallen and paid our respects to our nation’s heroes. I particularly want to remember the 13 marines killed in Afghanistan, abandoned by our own Government in the abrupt surrender of Afghanistan to our …

Faith Over Fear – 5.23.2023 – The Remnant Revolution Tour: Pray America Great

Speakers: Pastor Donica Hudson Urgent Call to Action!  Sunday May 21, 2023 marked the beginning of the World Health Organization’s aggressive final assault on freedom for the people of the world, as WHO convened their World Health Assembly for the final push to become the world’s policeman on ALL “health” matters (or anything they decide …

FAITH OVER FEAR – 5.9.2023 – Plandemics: What Are They Planning for Your Next Public Health Emergency to Control Your Life

Our speakers: The United States Covid pandemic response by the government, though originally well-intentioned, ultimately turned out to be a gargantuan fraud. Instead of implementing the 2018 National Biodefense Strategy with all the stakeholders at the table, and in a coordinated and collaborative manner, the pandemic response ended up being highly stove-piped and dictated to …

Faith Over Fear – 5.2.2023 – Exit the WHO

Join us for this presentation by Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, a nonpartisan group determined to protect and defend US National sovereignty and personal medical freedom against all enemies foreign and domestic, including globalist organizations such as the World Health Organization. Reggie is also co-founder and co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports …

Faith Over Fear – 4.25.2023 – The First Landing 1607 Declaration of Covenant: A Re-Dedication of America Back to God

Speakers: The Rev. Jack Stagman and Robert Agee, First Landing 1607 project organizers, describe the historic event at Virginia Beach, VA on April 26 2023 with the Re-Covenanting Ceremony during the 416th anniversary Celebration of the First Landing Covenant with God in 1607.  It is time for America to celebrate our true history and the …