Faith Over Fear – 04.04.2023 -The Passover Seder and Meaning for Christians

Come explore with Truth For Health Foundation how the Jewish Passover Seder prefigures the work of redemption in Jesus the Messiah. Our speaker will be Christian minister, Bill Wilson, Founder of Living Springs Church in Frederick Maryland and author of the Bibical world view daily newsletter: The Daily Jot. The Passover Seder occurs on the …

Faith Over Fear – 3.28.23 – Standing Against Medical Tyranny

World tyranny has come in through the weaponization of “public health” and government control of medical care. Dr. Karladine Graves, family physician and one of the courageous voices in the crusade to preserve medical and religious freedom and our Constitutional Republic, will discuss some of the ways we all can address not only the destruction …

Faith Over Fear – 3.21.2023 – The Truth About COVID Shots Damage to Women’s Hormonal Balance… and What You Can Do About It.

New data has emerged about the devastating effects of the COVID shots on all aspects of endocrine function in women of all ages.  Dr. Vliet from her 38 years in Climacteric and Preventive Medicine will explain the truth about the over 400 functions governed by women’s ovarian hormones, the lies and deceptions perpetrated on women …

Faith Over Fear – 3.14.2023 – From FAT to FIT: One Man’s Journey to Optimal “T” Health After the COVID Shot. 

Join Dr. Vliet and patient “John” discuss his diagnosis of severe hypogonadism and other conditions that worsened after the COVID shot…and how proper diagnosis and integrated treatment have restored his health on all fronts – with documented major changes in laboratory markers of disease risk.  This is the truth about the importance of optimal testosterone …

Faith Over Fear – 2.28.2023

Nutraceutical Advances to Prevent & Treat Heart and Vascular Disease. We have the founder, executive director and research scientist behind the company that developed Cardio Miracle, the innovative nutraceutical product that studies confirm increases release of nitric oxide over 24 hours, leading to improvements in blood flow, endothelial lining repair and restoration of normal function…and …