Faith Over Fear – 2.7.2023

The Heart of Love.February is marked by Valentine’s Day, celebrating romantic love. English has one word for “love,” and that one word can mean many things from romantic infatuation, erotic attraction, brotherly love, spiritual love – but the cultural focus is primarily on romantic love, creating unrealistic expectations and problems in relationships. The Ancient Greeks …

Faith Over Fear – 01.10.2023

Dr. Richard Fleming: What’s Really IN The COVID Shots?…and What is NOT Our Speaker: Richard M Fleming, Ph.D., MD, JD; Physicist-NuclearCardiologist-Attorney. Dr. Fleming will reveal his shocking independent analysis of the actual damage to blood and healthy red blood cells from Pfizer’s COVID shots. Dr. Fleming’s current studies on the COVID shots and the types …

Faith Over Fear – 12.27.2022

OUR PROPHETIC DESTINY ~ Preparation for Christ’s Coming: The Feasts of Israel  Pastor Bill Wilson, Christian minister and Founder of Living Spring Church, the covering ministry of The Daily Jot. Bill is a Christian investigative journalist, professional writer, and commentator on current events as they relate to the Bible and prophecy with 40-years of presenting to …

Faith Over Fear – 12.20.2022

This Week’s Topics: Rapture Theology-Pretribulation, Midtribulation, Prewrath, Partial, Post Tribulation. Discussion: Our views on the Rapture, Supersessionism vs Restorationism OUR SPEAKER: Bill Wilson, Christian minister and Founder of Living Spring Church, the covering ministry of The Daily Jot. Bill is a Christian investigative journalist, professional writer, and commentator on current events as they relate to …

Faith Over Fear – 12.13.2022

THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: The Thousand-Year Kingdom–Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Amillennialism. Discussion: Our views on the thousand-year kingdom. ALSO – Truth For Health Foundation’s Medical Freedom Legal Symposium. OUR SPEAKER: Bill Wilson, Christian minister and Founder of Living Spring Church, the covering ministry of The Daily Jot. Bill is a Christian investigative journalist, professional writer, and commentator on …

Faith Over Fear – 12.06.2022

Eschatological Views–Preterist, Historicist, Futurist, Idealist Discussion: Our views on eschatology to better understand how this fits with today’s events and our own spiritual growth toward strengthening faith in the face of the weapon of fear being used against the people of the world. OUR SPEAKER: Bill Wilson, Christian minister and Founder of Living Spring Church, …