Died Suddenly at 30,000 Ft? The FAA, FDA, CDC Cover-up Signals Big Risk in the Air

A British Airways Pilot “COLLAPSES DEAD,” reported by The Sun in a hotel foyer leaving for the airport to captain an Airbus A321 fully loaded passenger jet from Cairo to London’s Heathrow Airport, but had a “HEART ATTACK.” Colleagues attempted CPR but were unable to revive him. Imagine the catastrophe for passengers if he had suffered this …

Faith Over Fear – 3.14.2023 – From FAT to FIT: One Man’s Journey to Optimal “T” Health After the COVID Shot. 

Join Dr. Vliet and patient “John” discuss his diagnosis of severe hypogonadism and other conditions that worsened after the COVID shot…and how proper diagnosis and integrated treatment have restored his health on all fronts – with documented major changes in laboratory markers of disease risk.  This is the truth about the importance of optimal testosterone …

Ohio Land Grab: EPA Under CERCLA Could Confiscate Contaminated Property

International attorney Todd Callender, Esq. exposes the legal framework in place that sets the stage for an EPA declaration of East Palestine, Ohio, and surrounding areas as a “Superfund” toxic site. Declaring the land and homes “contaminated” and uninhabitable and then ordering a mass evacuation of residents. From the legal standpoint, the EPA is all-powerful …

Pfizer Whistleblower on Massive Fraud in Clinical Trials

Courageous Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson and her attorney Warner Mendenhall discuss the landmark federal court case in Beaumont, TX, against Pfizer for the massive fraud in the clinical trials for the COVID shots. The lies, cover-ups, deceptive practices, and data manipulation are genuinely some of the worst in the history of modern pharmaceuticals. Even more stunning, the data on …

CDC Corruption – from Agent Orange Dioxin Dangers to COVID Shots

Why have the same CDC officials who hid the Agent Orange dioxin catastrophic health damage to Vietnam military veterans been in charge of vaccine safety and developmental disorders since the 1980s, and then put in charge of the COVID shots – covering up the devastating complications and deaths of the experimental mRNA technology? Dr. Coleen …

mRNA Vaccines Designed to Implement the WEF Agenda 2030

The dramatic disintegration of Big Pharma’s normal manufacturing standards and abject failure of the FDA’s regulatory oversight on the safety and quality of the COVID shots, along with explosive new information about toxicity and damage to the nervous system and fertility is exposed in this Vaccine Report with our international and US experts, Dr. Mike …

A COVID Survival Miracle and A Testament to Faith and Courage

In an incredible 98-day journey through the COVID valley of the shadow of death, 63-year-old Doug Hines was released from the “prison” of isolation, mechanical ventilation, and the toxicity of Remdesivir. He still has a long journey of arduous recovery ahead. He faces dialysis due to kidney damage as a known complication of Remdesivir. Still, …