World Economic Forum Shifts COVID Fear Mongering to Climate Change Crisis

CNN’s Tech Director, Charlie Chester, was recently caught red-handed in Project Veritas’s undercover video describing CNN executives’ directive to instill the next fear using “Climate Change Crisis” and dropping coverage of COVID. Now that America and the world are no longer cowering in fear about COVID, the Global Predators know they are losing control and encountering resistance …

Yeadon and Rees on ‘The End Game’ for mRNA Gene Therapy Vaccines

Two career Pharma insiders expose the end game agenda with the gene therapy COVID shots unleashed on the world in a massive rollout of experimental mRNA and Lipid Nanoparticle technology that Big Pharma knew more than 20 years ago had serious toxicity in animal models and humans. Dr. Yeadon as an immunologist, exposes the damage to the …

Technocracy: Tyranny’s Tool for Usurping Liberty

The American people are angrier and angrier about what is happening to our America. Alarmed by the rise of tyranny, loss of medical freedom, invasion of illegals across our borders, alarming deaths and injuries after the COVID shots, skyrocketing costs of food and fuel, children being taught “critical race theory and sexual perversion in schools, …

With the Stroke of a Pen, Joe Biden Betrays America’s Sovereignty

With the “stroke of a pen,” Joe Biden signed the January 2023 Declaration of North America that has betrayed American sovereignty as a Nation, making one “North America” country out of Mexico, the USA, and Canada. This move fulfills long-hidden international accords and UN agreements among the signatory nations that reach back to 1992. But …

10 Letters – Legal Strategies for Vaccine Injury Accountability

Millions of people have been injured or killed by this COVID illness, and the experimental COVID injection deceptively called a “vaccine.” New Whistleblower documents now show the entire “COVID” project was a military operation created as a National Security threat and owned by the Department of Defense (DoD)/Pentagon and authorized as “Operation Warp Speed.” Unequivocally …

Whistleblower Reprisals: DoD’s Hidden Pandemic

A continuing “undercover” Pandemic is attacking our military, hidden from the American public, and causing catastrophic damage to our military readiness and strength. The Department of Defense leadership has been engaging in systematic, widespread retaliatory actions against military whistleblowers who are exposing the “shadow policies” operating to punish those courageous service members speaking out about …