Biden’s Border Invasion: The Accelerated Collapse of America

The Border Report exposes shocking details on the dire threat to America from within the Biden Administration’s “Open Borders” policies directed by international Puppet Masters, beginning with the UN, and WEF, and including Transnational Drug Cartels that control both the Mexico and USA sides of our southern border between the official Ports of Entry. Whistleblower and Border …

Danger! Legal Strategies to Remove 5G/LED Towers in Your Community

The telecoms industry and other regulatory bodies have continually denied the real purpose, and the existence of the radiation dangers posed by the deployment of 5G technologies. These telecoms execs have actively misled the public by issuing demonstrably false press releases through local and national media, as well as by making false statements in courts …

WMD First Responder, US Diplomat on Weaponized CV19 Injections

Many thousands of service members got duped into participating through various means of deceit, coercion, lies, and unlawful behavior by their leadership and medical personnel, in spite of their legal right to refuse any experimental medical treatment. Many have been damaged with adverse events from a “vaccine” that command claimed “safe and effective,” when the …

DoD Control of COVID Vaccine, New FRAGO #35 Perils to Troops

In breaking news on Armed Forces Press on January 5, newly obtained documents reveal the Department of Defense controlled the COVID-19 program from the start — including the experimental COVID shots — using a combination of the PREP Act, Emergency Use Authorization regulations, and Other Transactions Authority (OTA) that served to provide immunity and shield …

Faith Over Fear – 01.10.2023

Dr. Richard Fleming: What’s Really IN The COVID Shots?…and What is NOT Our Speaker: Richard M Fleming, Ph.D., MD, JD; Physicist-NuclearCardiologist-Attorney. Dr. Fleming will reveal his shocking independent analysis of the actual damage to blood and healthy red blood cells from Pfizer’s COVID shots. Dr. Fleming’s current studies on the COVID shots and the types …