Faith Over Fear – 8.4.2022

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Our August series of topics will focus on The NOAH Example: The Biblical Basis of Preparation, NOT Panic.  This week’s Speaker: Nicole Landers, RN, BSN, CCM, Legal Nurse Consultant Topic: NOAH: The Original Prepper Nicole Landers, the Foundation’s Director of the …

Faith Over Fear – 7.28.2022

This week’s Speaker: Lt. Col. Peter Constantine Chambers, D.O. (Ret) Truth for Health Foundation Military Advisory Council special operations advisor, former Green Beret combat physician, special forces flight surgeon in the US Army with 39 years of military service to America. TOPIC: Controlling the Controllables: Preparation, not Panic.  Focus on what you can control as …

WHO’s Health Dictatorship Disguised as MonkeyPox “Public Health Emergency”

On July 23, 2022, the World Health Organization declared Monkeypox a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), the legal “buzzword” launched the International Health Regulatory Agreement signed in 2005 by over 190 countries to allow WHO to take worldwide control of the “public health” response. This is the legal framework that led to the lockstep, …

Faith Over Fear – 7.21.2022

TOPIC: The Neurobiopsychosocial Basis of Behavior: Part II The Crowd To understand the fullness of the complexity of human behavior, we must explore the intimate links between the physical, psychological, and spiritual facets that make us human. Our neuroscientist expert, Dr. Stephen Sammut, who is also a devout man of faith, presents an integrated biological-scientific, …

Dr. Vliet’s Interview with

Listen to “Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet – The forced vaccines for our military (ep #7-2-22)” on Spreaker. Originally Aired and Recorded at Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD a leader in patient centered individualized medical care. Since 1986 she has practiced medicine independent of insurance contracts. Her Vive Life Center and Hormone Health Strategies centers in Tucson & Dallas specializes in preventive …

COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #12

The FEAR campaign continues, creating more confusion as truth is fleeting amongst political and media operatives. Along with President Biden’s ‘dark winter’ comments, the President and the CDC continue to push the ‘shot-in-every-arm’ vaccine campaign. Enter the Omicron Variant, which has already proven to be largely targeting vaccinated people. Considering the risks involved with vaccines, …

Hope and Compassion Overcomes Fearmongering in a Time of Crisis

Americans heard the darkest and most threatening message in history as we approach the holidays, particularly toward our nation’s seniors who have been ravaged by COVID-19 as President Biden threatened a dark and deadly winter for the unvaccinated. Dr. McCullough stepped in for the nation and on national TV Fox News with anchor Jesse Watters …


Biden’s Betrayal of Our Military: Planned Destruction of America’s Defense

Across all branches of our military, thousands of highly experienced exemplary military service members continue to be harassed, persecuted, and served with career-ending reprimands for refusing to take an EUA experimental vaccine. Thousands more service members have been so vaccine-injured that they cannot function. DrLee4America and Dr. David Martin, Attorney Todd Callender, Major Gen. Paul Vallely, and Navy …