
Faith Over Fear – 7.14.2022

TOPIC: The Neurobiopsychosocial Basis of Crowd Behavior This presentation addresses the reality of crowd behavior we are seeing today, and often referred to as “mass formation psychosis.” Our neuroscientist expert, Dr. Stephen Sammut, who is also a devout man of faith, presents an integrated biological-scientific, psychological, historical and spiritual perspective. The information presented realistically only …


The Comirnaty Deception: DoD’s Latest Betrayal of Our Military

After a year and a half of having no Comirnaty FDA-approved version of the COVID shot available at any military installation in the US or overseas, suddenly Comirnatry-labeled vials began to appear at a few bases…but without the proper and complete FDA labeling as shown in the FDA’s own ”Purple Book” of approved medicines, vaccines, gene therapy products, …

Faith Over Fear – 6.30.2022

TOPIC: Defending Life: The Biblical Basis of Self-Defense TOPIC: Defending Life: The Biblical Basis of Self-Defense Following the historic Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and as we head into America’s Independence Day celebrations July 4, Dr. Vliet discusses America’s core founding Christian principles that life is God’s gift, not the government’s. Defense …

Truth for Health FLAG DAY PRESS CONFERENCE – Biden’s Betrayal of the Military: Generals Speak Out! (12pm ET June 14)

‘Biden’s betrayal of our military with unlawful orders for all service members to be vaccinated with the experimental EUA COVID shot is weakening our military, jeopardizing national security and putting every American at risk.’ President Joe Biden is using COVID to engineer a systematic destruction of America’s military and national security through a purging of …

Faith Over Fear – 6.9.2022

This week’s TOPIC: Anti-Inflammatory Treatments YOU Control: Foods, OTC supplements, nutraceuticals, lifestyle changes, and osteopathic body therapies. This week’s Speakers: Nicole Landers, RN, BSN, LNC Director of COVID Care Strategy Team with guests Kathy exercise physiologist and nutrition coach for 25 years in cardiac rehab, cancer treatment, and preventive and climacteric medicine; and Alex, homemaker …