Ill-Conceived COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Program Could Be Catastrophic

July 12, 2021 The McCullough Report A paper by Acevedo from Santiago Chile reported on the Lambda variant outbreak in Peru, which looks like it clearly occurred due to indiscriminate vaccination using the whole killed SARS-CoV-2 Sinovac (Coronovac) vaccine. With this as a backdrop, we continue to have a need for early multidrug treatment for …

Without Protection from Pharmaceutical Laws, Vaccines Will Do More Harm

July 5, 2021 The McCullough Report We have regulations in the pharmaceutical and device industry to ensure that medical products are safe and effective. The principles used are embodied in “regulatory science,” which is a complicated discipline and represents the interface between companies, research organizations, universities, our US FDA, and you, the medical consumer. Presented …

The Slide into Stalinist Medical Tyranny

July 21, 2021 DrLee4America Dr. Francis Christian, Canadian trauma surgeon, fired from faculty position for explaining informed consent to parents concerned about experimental vaccines for their children; and Pam Popper, co-founder of Make Americans Free Again | The New Normal: Citizens In Charge with a new initiative to end medical censorship, and co-author of the explosive …

COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy: Common Sense vs. Confusion

by DrLee4America | May 18, 2021 | In a dramatic departure from medical ethics standards in place for decades, the CDC has been recommending that pregnant women get the new experimental COVID vaccines, even though pregnant women were excluded from all the clinical trials and we have no safety data for use in pregnancy. How does COVID affect pregnancy? …

Doctors Say No to Medical Tyranny!

Doctors Say NO to Medical Tyranny by DrLee4America | Jul 4, 2021 Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an outspoken Canadian pathologist and the doctor who took on BIG TOBACCO, now leading DOCTORS SAY NO to COVID tyranny, and Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Senior VP for Pfizer as Chief Scientist for the worldwide Respiratory and Allergic Disease Unit, now bringing critical medical …