Faith Over Fear – 11.28.23 – Turbo Cancer Pt. III

This is Part III of the six-part series Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik have created to explore NIH-sponsored research on the use of older FDA-approved medicines for other medical disorders that are being re-purposed as medicines to treat cancers, particularly the “Turbo Cancers” exploding in COVID-vaccinated people and not responding to traditional chemo and radiation therapies. Our …

Faith Over Fear – 11.21.23 – TURBO CANCER: Innovative Treatments Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You. Part II: Mebendazole, Albendazole & Fenbendazole

“Turbo Cancer” is the name coined by Canadian clinical and research Oncologist Dr. William Makis for the rapid-onset, aggressive, fast-growing cancers rising dramatically and shocking oncologists around the world since the roll-out of the COVID injections. These new forms of cancers are hitting younger, healthier people than we have ever seen before. Tragically, these aggressive “turbo …

Faith Over Fear – 11.14.23 -: Repurposed Medicines & Innovative Treatments Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You.

“Turbo Cancer” is the name coined by Canadian clinical and research Oncologist Dr. William Makis for the rapid-onset, aggressive, fast growing cancers that have emerged since the roll-out of the COVID injections. These new forms of cancers have not been responsive to traditional treatments with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and more alarming, are arising in younger, …

Faith Over Fear – 11.07.23 – Honey: Nature’s Miracle of Health and Medical Benefits

Most of us remember our grandmothers using honey for medicinal value when we were sick with a cold or sore throat. Honey’s antibacterial properties have been recognized down through the ages. Honey has been classified by WHO and USDA as a simple sugar, but there is actually significant data showing that honey contains rare and …