The Tide of Aggressive Wokism in US Military Academies

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Sandra Miarecki, fired from the Air Force Academy in September 2022 for standing up against the illegal COVID shot mandates for the students, exposes the damages and dangers of the “aggressive wokism” invading our military service academies at an accelerated pace under the Biden Administration. Now officially retired from her …

Groundbreaking Criminal Case on Vaccine Damage Filed Against Swiss President

Because he and his family were harmed by the experimental COVID shot, and based on false statements to the Swiss people, Pascal Najadi as one citizen outraged by the deception and lies, filed criminal charges with his local police for under the Abuse of power provisions of Article 310 of the Swiss Criminal Code. The Charges …

UK Cancer Surgeon Suspended! Landmark High Court Case Against Medical Tyranny

One of the United Kingdom’s top breast and colo-rectal cancer surgeons and global medical leaders was suspended in May of 2020 from practicing medicine and surgery with no due process for speaking against the damaging COVID policies and experimental COVID shots causing so much death and disability. As a tireless warrior for medical ethics and …

The Department of Defense Weaponization is Destroying Our Protected Communicators

The Department of Defense is in peril, due to spineless “Brass” who have allowed the weaponization of COVID-19 mandates and products to be coerced into America’s all-volunteer military force. In the U.S. Army, there are specific guidelines that regulate protected communications (i.e., “Whistleblowers”), such as “Army Regulation 600-20 paragraph 5-12.” This regulation specifically states that …

Breaking News! NIH Announces Next New Vaccine Rollout

Right on schedule… the NIH announces “breaking news” of a new “vaccine” for another deadly virus threat, the “Sudan virus,” one of four viruses known to cause human Ebola virus disease. The new vaccine, VSV-SUDV, was suddenly developed at the speed of light based on a limited four-month outbreak in Uganda with “143 confirmed cases, …

Father & Freedom Fighter Warns, COVID Shots Killed My Son!

Ernest Ramirez, who lost his son to fatal myocarditis five days after the Pfizer experimental COVID-19 injection, describes his motorcycle tour to alert parents to the dangers of the COVID shots and expose the lies and deceptions with media propaganda of “safe and effective.” Ernest pleads with parents to heed his warnings that these COVID …

Whistleblower Report – 2.3.2023

Critical changes in military training are occurring that are actually contrary to their stated goals, and undermine the Judeo-Christian foundation on which America was founded, and the code of military ethics and Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is based. Army Captain, Chaplain Chad Booth describes what is happening in the military training that parallels …