The COVID crime

Dr James Lyons-Weiler, an American scientist discredited by big pharma and the government, is adding his voice to what many of us reporting on COVID have been considering. Lyons-Weiler writes on his substack, “Hospital protocolists sticking to the strict hand-me-down highly profitable “COVID protocol” may have doomed a majority of admitted COVID-19 patients to death …

Faith Over Fear – 5.30.2023 – Memorial Day 2023 Reflection: Will We Turn Back to God and Restore America? Or Face A Requiem for Our Republic?

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.,President and CEO, Truth for Health Foundationand Daughter of the American Revolution On Memorial Day 2023, we honored the fallen and paid our respects to our nation’s heroes. I particularly want to remember the 13 marines killed in Afghanistan, abandoned by our own Government in the abrupt surrender of Afghanistan to our …

Government characterizing Christians as Nazis

The biggest threat to your Constitutional guaranteed right of religious freedom is the very entity that is supposed to uphold freedom of religion—the Federal government. In particular, the Biden Administration is continuing the hostile policies of the Obama Administration toward Christians and conservatives through its administrative authorities. A recent investigation by the Media Research Council …

Stupidocrisy: It didn’t make Bud wiser

You may remember the old joke: Question—Does drinking beer make you smart? Answer—Well, it made Bud wiser. Budweiser has become the butt of a not-so-funny joke and apparently the company is not any wiser for the experience. In arguably one of the worst promotional decisions in modern advertising, Bud Light featured Dylan Mulvaney, a man …


Native American Killed by Border Patrol Agents Right After Alerting Border Patrol About Trespassing Migrants

Original Article Published @ Conservative Roof Raymond Mattia, a member of the Tohono O’odham Nation, was fatally shot by border patrol agents on his reservation in Southern Arizona. According to KVOA, Raymond Mattia called U.S. Border Patrol agents after discovering that illegal immigrants were trespassing in his yard. A family member told KVOA Raymond “called to …

Beware of Musks in sheep’s clothing

Yes, he bought Twitter. Yes, he restored Donald Trump’s account. Yes, he is cracking down on leftists censoring conservatives on Twitter. Yes, he stood against the government propaganda on COVID. Yes, he exposed the FBI for influencing the elections. Yes, he donates money to Republicans. Yes, he says he is a champion of free speech. …