FAITH OVER FEAR – 5.9.2023 – Plandemics: What Are They Planning for Your Next Public Health Emergency to Control Your Life

Our speakers: The United States Covid pandemic response by the government, though originally well-intentioned, ultimately turned out to be a gargantuan fraud. Instead of implementing the 2018 National Biodefense Strategy with all the stakeholders at the table, and in a coordinated and collaborative manner, the pandemic response ended up being highly stove-piped and dictated to …

Speaking boldly and God’s will

Ever notice how the people that make it a point to put up signs in their yards like “Hate doesn’t live here” or those who openly say that there needs to be more love and understanding in the world, are the first to express anger, judgment, and mean-spiritedness when someone disagrees with their viewpoints? We …

An object lesson in handling persecution

The website and app called Nextdoor (ND) claims its mission is “By bringing neighbors and organizations together, we can cultivate a kinder world where everyone has a neighborhood they can rely on.” Further the site claims “Neighbors around the world turn to Nextdoor daily to receive trusted information, give and get help, get things done, …

Faith Over Fear – 5.2.2023 – Exit the WHO

Join us for this presentation by Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, a nonpartisan group determined to protect and defend US National sovereignty and personal medical freedom against all enemies foreign and domestic, including globalist organizations such as the World Health Organization. Reggie is also co-founder and co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports …

Salt and light

There is no question we are living in a dark and dying world. Watch the news. Read about what’s happening. Look around. It’s easy to get discouraged. But if you have the light of Christ within you, you are part of a nation of priests, a holy nation, set apart to show the blessings of …