mRNA Vaccines Designed to Implement the WEF Agenda 2030

The dramatic disintegration of Big Pharma’s normal manufacturing standards and abject failure of the FDA’s regulatory oversight on the safety and quality of the COVID shots, along with explosive new information about toxicity and damage to the nervous system and fertility is exposed in this Vaccine Report with our international and US experts, Dr. Mike …

Can I have a light?

Looking at the headlines in the daily news, on television and radio, it takes no effort to see that the world we live in is a very dark place, getting darker by the minute. The COVID oppressions, government spying on citizens, the lies peddled every day as truth, the denial of truth as lies, the …

A COVID Survival Miracle and A Testament to Faith and Courage

In an incredible 98-day journey through the COVID valley of the shadow of death, 63-year-old Doug Hines was released from the “prison” of isolation, mechanical ventilation, and the toxicity of Remdesivir. He still has a long journey of arduous recovery ahead. He faces dialysis due to kidney damage as a known complication of Remdesivir. Still, …

The endurance of the saints

No matter what news site you look at, or what paper you read, or what news program you watch or listen to, you are constantly bombarded with bad news about the economy. It’s nothing new. In January of 2009, The World Economic Forum became confrontational as union leaders said they had no confidence in the …

Chemical Catastrophe in Ohio Coverup

New information comes to the Whistleblower Report team that the EPA has deployed a “Superfund Community Involvement” official to East Palestine, Ohio, EPA Region 5. No city wants to be designated a “Superfund” toxic waste site. So just exactly what is the agenda behind the disastrous mishandling of the Ohio train derailment and detonation of rail cars of toxic …