The global Beast’s moral imperative

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland emphasized the “moral imperative” of enacting it’s “collective” (translated: communist) agenda in the areas of climate control, health equity, education, food equity, the metaverse, artificial intelligence and more. This implies that if the 52 heads of state and 2,700 other captains of business, media and …

Yeadon and Rees on ‘The End Game’ for mRNA Gene Therapy Vaccines

Two career Pharma insiders expose the end game agenda with the gene therapy COVID shots unleashed on the world in a massive rollout of experimental mRNA and Lipid Nanoparticle technology that Big Pharma knew more than 20 years ago had serious toxicity in animal models and humans. Dr. Yeadon as an immunologist, exposes the damage to the …

How to resist the WEF

A communist utopia with China as the model—this appears to be the unspoken goal of the World Economic Forum as it touts “collective” action on ambiguous areas such as climate control, health equity, finances, mobility, energy, food, education, and technology. These areas affect each of our lives and the WEF cabal intends to control us …

The WEF health collective

One of the main areas that the World Economic Forum (WEF) focused on during its recent annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland was what they call health equity. Justifying a call for worldwide socialized medicine, WEF posted on its website: “Health inequities–gaps between the health of different groups–have long characterized global health. The persistence of these …