Spotlight on the Collaboration of Government Agencies and Big Pharma Scientists

America and the world face extreme danger from the enormous power and weaponization of “the military-industrial complex” that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against in his Farewell speech to the Nation at the end of his Presidency in 1961. This is the same danger that President John F. Kennedy warned about in 1963, shortly before …

Decades of Coordinated Big Pharma & DoD Databases Reflect Sick Agenda

Just as the WWII top-secret Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb was paid for by General Mills to hide the government’s involvement, today we see the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense sending billions of taxpayer dollars to Big Pharma and other private businesses to develop these multi-functional disease-causing gene mutations and …

Stupidocrisy: Centers for Disease Control and Wokeness

The Centers for Disease Control Division of Adolescent and School Health is calling on all school administrators to take its LGBTQ inclusivity self-assessment tool to help them “quickly gauge inclusivity at your school.” The 32-page assessment says in its overview, “Schools play a critical role in supporting the health and academic development of all youth, …

What the COVID Shots Do to Your Blood…and More

Nuclear cardiologist and physicist, Richard Fleming, MD, Ph.D., JD, reveals his shocking independent analysis of the actual damage to blood and healthy red blood cells from Pfizer’s COVID shots. The mRNA genetic material gets into the red blood cells and alters the structure of the hemoglobin molecule so that it cannot carry oxygen, which is …

Discernment and wisdom key to 2023

Banks are issuing recession warnings. The national debt is expanded by Congress and a spendthrift president. Inflation is likely to continue unabated. Interest rates will climb. Excess deaths are continuing to increase. New variants of COVID are emerging. There are rumors of vaccine passports and possible lockdowns. Russia and Ukraine continue to duke it out …

USAF Cadets Unlawfully Expelled for Exercising Constitutional Rights

USAF Academy cadets speak out about the unlawful expulsion from the Air Force Academy and the punitive abuse, 21-day isolation, and psychological trauma perpetrated by their commanders under the pretext of “quarantine.” That America’s sons and daughters who wanted to dedicate their lives to serving our country are treated no better than prisoners in jails is wake …