Stupidocrisy: The Drag On

A search of the Brietbart news website reveals over 16,300 stories with the key words “drag queens.” That’s right. The White House and Biden Administration obsession with drag queens seems to be the “pop” culture of the Democratic Party in 2022. That, and the attention to transexual rights, appear to be the centerpieces of the …

The beast within

Since when does the FBI have the authority to censor free speech? It is the same time it has the authority to influence elections. According to the Constitution, it doesn’t. Yet government has become so large and so unaccountable, the FBI and other unelected administrative actors (can you say IRS, DHS, EPA, CDC, CMS, just …

Faith Over Fear – 12.20.2022

This Week’s Topics: Rapture Theology-Pretribulation, Midtribulation, Prewrath, Partial, Post Tribulation. Discussion: Our views on the Rapture, Supersessionism vs Restorationism OUR SPEAKER: Bill Wilson, Christian minister and Founder of Living Spring Church, the covering ministry of The Daily Jot. Bill is a Christian investigative journalist, professional writer, and commentator on current events as they relate to …

Finally wising up

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll may indicate that Americans are finally wising up about the government propaganda over the COVID 19 shot. Against the backdrop of the obvious ongoing government claims that the shot is safe and effective, The KFF December Monitor found that about four in ten (44%) say they do not think …

COVID Accountability

For nearly two years, scientists and healthcare professionals with dissenting views on the handling of the COVID pandemic have been censored and many lost their jobs. The Federal socialist healthcare system through the Centers for Disease Control and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services forced protocols that may have resulted in the deaths of tens …


In a bold, courageous and brilliantly planned three step process, Governor Ron DeSantis held a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Accountability Roundtable in West Palm Beach FL with national, international medical and scientific experts and vaccine-injured patients presenting the facts that demand investigation of these experimental products unleashed on humanity without full disclosure or adequate safety testing …

The Disinformation Age

One thing that historians may well document is the roaring 20’s of disinformation—that is, the 2020s. The public was fed a steady diet that information was disinformation and disinformation was information. There was information that mail in ballots were used to defraud elections. There was information that a presidential candidate was involved in illegal activities …

Faith Over Fear – 12.13.2022

THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: The Thousand-Year Kingdom–Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Amillennialism. Discussion: Our views on the thousand-year kingdom. ALSO – Truth For Health Foundation’s Medical Freedom Legal Symposium. OUR SPEAKER: Bill Wilson, Christian minister and Founder of Living Spring Church, the covering ministry of The Daily Jot. Bill is a Christian investigative journalist, professional writer, and commentator on …