Truth for Health Foundation Launches Grassroots Campaign to “STOP White Coat Killers: Holding Hospitals Accountable for Deaths”

TUCSON, AZ: October 28, 2022: CONTACT: DavidMcGraw@leevlietmd Hospitals across America are killing as many as 1000 patients a day using “COVID” protocols with adeadly cocktail of toxic drugs, ventilators, withholding fluids and nutrition, physical restraints, andother measures to weaken patients. As of October 25, 2022, Johns Hopkins University CSSECOVID-19 data shows over 1.1 million COVID-19 …

Daily and total confirmed COVID-19 deaths, United States

TOTAL CONFIRMED DEATHS DUE TO COVID-19 Variable time span Jan 22, 2020 – Oct 28, 2022 Data published by COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University Link Raw data on confirmed cases and deaths for all countries is sourced from the COVID-19 Data Repository by the …

Wake up, really

One of the most disturbing polls taken to date states that “When asked which institutions can help create meaningful change in a divided nation, Americans overwhelmingly believe the government (at the national, state and local levels) is responsible for curing the ills of the United States.” According to this Barna poll, “Half of Americans see …

It takes just one

Along about 1992, our 14 year-old son brought home a brochure from school. This brochure was stirring up a lot of commotion on the bus. Kids were passing it, and others like it, around, showing it to the younger kids on the bus, embarrassing the young girls and causing a lot of disruption for the …

The cure that’s worse than the cause

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously on October 20 to recommend the Centers for Disease Control add COVID 19 vaccines to the 2023 schedule of child and adolescent immunization schedules. The Moderna, Pfizer, and Novavax serums were accepted by the ACIP despite the “vaccines” being experimental, exponentially waning effectiveness, and the very …