Faith Over Fear Program TURBO CANCERS Part VI: Integrative Lifestyle and Metabolic Strategies You Control

Join Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik for our 6th and final program in our Cancer series to teach you strategies for 1) preventing cancer, 2) reducing cancer metastasis, and 3) reducing the toxicity of standard chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy with lifestyle and nutraceutical approaches you can implement on your own with needing prescriptions.

Faith Over Fear – 12.05.23 – TURBO CANCER: Innovative Treatments Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You Part IV- Bee Venom

Our 4th program in this six-part series created by Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik explores the therapeutic applications of Bee Venom, also known as apitoxin, for the treatment of many human diseases. Bee venom contains several active molecules such as peptides and enzymes that have advantageous potential in treating inflammation, immune-related diseases and central nervous system …

Truth Project – 11.29.23 – Lesson 12 ~ Community and Involvement: God Cares; Do I?

A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth for …

Faith Over Fear – 11.28.23 – Turbo Cancer Pt. III

This is Part III of the six-part series Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik have created to explore NIH-sponsored research on the use of older FDA-approved medicines for other medical disorders that are being re-purposed as medicines to treat cancers, particularly the “Turbo Cancers” exploding in COVID-vaccinated people and not responding to traditional chemo and radiation therapies. Our …