Truth for Health FLAG DAY PRESS CONFERENCE – Biden’s Betrayal of the Military: Generals Speak Out! (12pm ET June 14)

‘Biden’s betrayal of our military with unlawful orders for all service members to be vaccinated with the experimental EUA COVID shot is weakening our military, jeopardizing national security and putting every American at risk.’ President Joe Biden is using COVID to engineer a systematic destruction of America’s military and national security through a purging of …

Faith Over Fear – 6.9.2022

This week’s TOPIC: Anti-Inflammatory Treatments YOU Control: Foods, OTC supplements, nutraceuticals, lifestyle changes, and osteopathic body therapies. This week’s Speakers: Nicole Landers, RN, BSN, LNC Director of COVID Care Strategy Team with guests Kathy exercise physiologist and nutrition coach for 25 years in cardiac rehab, cancer treatment, and preventive and climacteric medicine; and Alex, homemaker …

Truth For Health Foundation: Origin and Future with Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet

In an address to COVID Doctors for Medical Ethics, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Truth For Health Foundation’s Founder and CEO addressed an international audience on the origin of the Foundation, its goals, and her future plans. Truth For Health has been on the forefront of the fight for Medical Freedom, providing valuable information, and support …


The Ill Fated DOD Anthrax Vaccine Mandate & What It Means For the EUA COVID Experimental Gene Therapy Shot Mandate

What’s the story with what happened with the Anthrax Vaccine and how does that relate to what is goin on in the US Military with the Emergency Use Authorization Experimental gene therapy shots for COVID? What did the DOD do when we had the Anthrax Vaccine required for deployment in that era? What legal challenges …


Monkeypox Ahead of WHO Vote: More Fear Plandemic Underway

Originally Published on America Out Loud The story in the media is disingenuous. Headlines exaggerate the risk to people in America, Europe, Canada, and Australia. These G7 wealthy countries are the lucrative targets for selling more vaccines and the targets of the World Health Organization’s takeover of public health control. Unless you have been living under a …