Ft. Benning Army Captain Unlawfully Detained After Filing Criminal Complaint Against General

Originally Aired on America Out Loud DrLee4America, host of Truth for Health…The Rest of the Story, and Navy Commander Rob Green, discuss the chilling crisis that unfolded on April 4, 2022, at Ft. Benning, Georgia, when Army Captain Seth Ritter, who has decided to go public by name to help defend others from this abuse, was unlawfully detained and …

Medical Freedom for Our Military – DoD Lawsuit Explained

Originally Aired on America Out Loud DrLee4America, host of Truth for Health…The Rest of the Story, and guest attorney Todd Callender, the international attorney, and attorney of record on the August 2021 DoD lawsuit, discuss the legal issues before the federal court in the latest Appellants Brief. A copy of the Brief is posted on the website, www.TruthForHealth.org, for …

Widespread Article 92 Violations by Army Commanders on COVID Vaccine Mandates

Originally Published on America Out Loud There is currently a flagrant double standard taking place in the military across all branches. Service members are accused of Article 92 violations and separated from the service — if they refuse the experimental COVID shot. Yet military commanders at every level are guilty of Article 92 violations by …


Dr. Peter Chambers & Todd Callender – WHO Pandemic Treaty & War on Humanity

Dr. Peter Chambers, a 37-year combat veteran, having previous worked as a Special Operations Surgeon for the Green Berets, and Lawyer Todd Callender to discuss the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the War that has been waged against humanity and what can be done about it. You can follow Todd Callender’s work here: Dr. Chambers’ work can …


THE PLAN: World Health Organization’s ten year plan for ongoing infectious diseases from 2020-2030

Dear User, I have released a new and very powerful video THE PLAN, that shows a WHO virologist revealing how the World Health Organization has a ten year plan for ongoing infectious diseases, from 2020 to 2030. The video also shows Bill & Melinda Gates grinning and chuckling when they talk about the next pandemic, …


Whistleblowers: CDC, FDA “Altered” Covid Guidance And Suppressed Findings Amid Political Pressure

Originally published @ ZeroHedge Instead of ‘following the science,’ the CDC and FDA ‘altered’ Covid guidance and ‘suppressed’ findings while under political pressure, accoridng to a 37-page report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a watchdog group which spoke with two former CDC directors, four former FDA directors and 17 employees who were involved with the US …