12,383 Reasons (to date) Why I will not be Inoculated

August 16, 2021Father Peter Heers (Orthodox Christian priest)(~ 40 min, YouTube) Join Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Christian priest, author, speaker, translator & publisher from his Greek mountain village as he explores the distinguishing characteristic of being a Christian: The Orthodox Ethos. ——————————– “In this presentation I, an Orthodox Christian Priest and Professor of Theology, will …

Covid and Eye Inflammation

Inflammatory reactions affecting the eyes are occurring in three situations our physicians are seeing clinically in the setting of COVID illness and adverse reactions to the experimental COVID shots. Redness, itching, soreness and irritation of the eyes are likely due to the same mechanisms of spike protein-induced inflammatory damage in all three situations:1. With the …


Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Resources for COVID Treatment

From our Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Peter A. McCullough to our physician team on August 4, 2021, providing links to monoclonal antibody treatment centers. Colleagues Please see these resources to share on the use of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19.  Very valuable as the vaccines fail and seniors contract COVID-19. How to Find COVID-19 Monoclonal …


From our Director of Evidence-Based Medicine and Research Methodology, Dr. Paul Alexander (see his full BIO under About Us) “To reject the creeping totalitarianism and dictatorship is the lifeblood of all freedom-loving individuals across the world. Those under despotic control yearn for freedom. We need only to look at the failing state of Hong Kong, …

Sister DeDe discusses vaccines & pro-life issues in STOP the SHOT!

August 4, 2021; Truth for Health Foundation(~ 5 min, Rumble) Sr. Deirdre Byrne, POSC, retired US military surgeon, practicing physician and medical missionary in Baltimore, MD. Member of Truth for Health Foundation Advisory Council and Catholics for Preservation of Life initiative, discusses COVID vaccines and pro-life issues.