One thing for certain: Anything a liberal politician accuses others of being or doing, that politician is judging from the content of his or her own heart. In the race …
The curse of a lack of common sense
It takes no real genius to discern that America is in terrible shape economically, socially and morally. The headlines alone offer little hope for the immediate future. And when one …
The Farm Chronicles: The cellar of refuge
The farm house of our family homestead was built around 1818. The original structure was a 1 ½ story with a main room that served as a multipurpose kitchen and …
Release of the Blue Horse
Democracy is about everyone getting a vote and majority rule, irrespective of laws. That’s really the bottom line. And Democrats support democracy. Therein is the danger. A Constitutional Republic, which …
Stupidocrisy: Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is accelerating abortion promotion in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. In September, the infanticide organization launched a billboard campaign to alert citizens about …
The end is not yet
The headlines are full of quotes from people who are pounding the war drums. So much so that many Christians believe the world is now in apocalyptic times. They say …
Changing the narrative on infanticide
Several years ago, I did a teaching for youth church on the book of Romans. To set things up, I asked the class questions about what they knew about Rome. …
The Farm Chronicles: Autumn on the rise
Along about the end of August in Northeast Ohio there is a noticeable change in the weather. By the end of September, the short season of autumn is moving through …
Top of Mind
An I&I/TIPP Poll, conducted from August 2-4 among 1,335 adults nationwide, shows that 59% are “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about Joe Biden’s mental health. Just 39% said they are …
Stupidocrisy: The government god complex
Florida Republican governor Ron DeSantis has declared an emergency over Hurricane Ian. Amidst evacuation and contingency plans, DeSantis had to deal with another distraction by Joe Biden and the federal …