Salt and light

There is no question we are living in a dark and dying world. Watch the news. Read about what’s happening. Look around. It’s easy to get discouraged. But if you have the light of Christ within you, you are part of a nation of priests, a holy nation, set apart to show the blessings of …

The Abort God movement

The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of “reproductive health care.” The Biden Administration sent the FBI in full SWAT gear to arrest Catholic activist Mark Houck, pointing guns …

Democracy Hypocrisy

The simple definition of democracy is majority rule. Nowadays it appears those most ardently demanding democracy are cross-ways of the majority and on the slippery slope of tyranny. A most recent example is the trans craze. One would think that everybody is rushing out to get their children’s sex changed. There are biologically born men …

The hostile environment toward religion in America 

Religious freedom is a cornerstone to both physical and spiritual liberty as spiritual bondage leads to physical bondage. The current administration’s disposition toward religious freedom is creating an atmosphere of antagonism and persecution against people of the Jewish and Christian faith. From locking down churches during the COVID government mandates to demonizing Christians over Biblical …

Under cover of smoke

The Democratic Party, America’s socialist party, is pursuing its socialistic tactics by finding ways to use the laws of the nation against its political opposition and unconstitutional unelected government agencies to silence dissent from its destructive agenda. In the months ahead, the Trump trial will suck the air out of the news cycle and Americans …