Written Stories from Injured Service Members: A Message to House and Senate from DoD Pilots

To: Members of United States House and SenateAs the Department of Defense continues to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine, a clear and concerningtrend of vaccine-induced injuries has become apparent across the force. As more vaccine injuries arediscovered, it is apparent that the vaccine poses a great risk to our Nation’s Security both by forcing the lossof …

Oral and Nasal Solution Preparations for Treatment of COVID-19

Our Grandmothers knew that preventing viruses and bacteria from leading to serious lung infections startedwith simple tools like flushing your nose, mouth and throat with salt water, dilute iodine solution dilutedhydrogen peroxide solution. Viruses and bacteria enter your body through your nose and mouth, begin tomultiply and live in these areas at the beginning a …


MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

The MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 is designed for hospitalized patients, to be initiated as soon as possible after they develop respiratory difficulty and require oxygen supplementation. The three core pathophysiologic processes that have been identified are severe hypoxemia, hyperinflammation, and hypercoagulability. This combination medication protocol is designed to counteract these processes either through the use …

MY Story

I really do hope that you can help me to try and save any pregnant mothers that we can from being coerced in(to) this

August 19, 2021 Hannah Damary-ThompsonOperations Director at Eden Lea Rail I am desperately trying to reach out to all well-known influencers and truth speakers following a deeply disturbing and upsetting incident that I experienced this afternoon.  I am currently pregnant and today had my first antenatal appointment at Scunthorpe hospital; I was completely caught off …