• Faith Over Fear – 07.09.24 – Emergency Preparedness  

    Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary

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  • Faith Over Fear – 07.02.24 – Independence Day 2024: Celebrating God’s Gift of Liberty  

    Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary

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  • Faith Over Fear – 06.25.24 – Amyloid and Alzheimer’s – The New Cover-Up for Covid Vaccine Injury

    6/25/24:  Amyloid and Alzheimer’s – The New Cover-Up for Covid Vaccine Injury Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD and Kathy Kresnik Amyloid Reduction Support This Truth For Health Foundation collection of supplements contain ingredients that research studies have shown can slow the progression amyloidosis and reduce organ damage from the amyloid deposits. www.TruthForHealthStore.com

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  • Ark Midnight – 06.08.24 – Intelligence Briefing

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  • Faith Over Fear – 06.18.24 – The “Avian Flu” Hoax: Strategies to Combat the Propaganda of Fear

    6/18/24: The “Avian Flu” Hoax: Strategies to Combat the Propaganda of Fear Speaker: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD TruLeptin Modulator™ An advanced, science-based strategy for positively affecting leptin levels. Healthy leptin activity helps balance energy intake and expenditure by influencing appetite, food cravings, and metabolism. www.TruthForHealthStore.com

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  • SGT Report – The 3 Devils – Dr. Vliet & Todd Callender

    Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back to expose the crimes of the new world order, the Biden administration, big pharma and much more – thanks for tuning in.

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  • Faith Over Fear – 06.11.2024 – “Long Covid” and Vaccine Injury: Case Studies on Treatment Speaker

    Special Guest Host: Harpal Mangat. MD Dr. Harpal Mangat, respected DC physician who innovated with early therapy in his testimony thanks his patients for pushing him to work with medications and help them avoid the hospital. High dose steroids in the inflammatory phase was a key part of the program. @SenRonJohnson pic.twitter.com/kEIQvcTpgv — Peter A.…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.28.24

    May 28: J6 Explained: Asymmetric Warfare Against the American People, Major Mike Gary Maj Mike Gary presents a summary and the significance of recent Congressional testimony on the US Capitol events of January 6, 2021 (J-6) that changes our entire understanding of what actually took place that day. Join us for this program on DC…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.21.24 – Asymmetric Warfare

    Our expert on asymmetric warfare and K-9 training, Jim Houck, joins us for another hard-hitting program. Jim has a 30-year career training specialized K-9s with Law Enforcement (LE) agencies across the US, including: Miami Beach Police, Miami Police, Los Angeles Police (the largest law enforcement agency in the Western Hemisphere and likely the world), New…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.14.24 – The Book of Acts: Relevance of Pentecost for Today’s Times

    with Major Mike Gary

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.07.24 – Richard Gage, AIA, with PART II: “The Astounding Parallels of 9/11 & COVID: Expose of Government Tactics”

    Architect and technical engineer Richard Gage will continue the discussion of the parallels between 9/11 and COVID in Part II this week beginning with a detailed video and analysis of the collapse of WTV7 and what the evidence shows led to that, when it was not hit by one of the planes. TruBio D3 TruBioD3™…

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  • URGENT MESSAGE: Eugenics Cult Coming for our Bodily Autonomy and Lives!!

    According to Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, we’re about to lose our Republic to a foreign eugenics organization that will be able to force quarantines, masks, medical treatments (vaccines), lockdowns, and digital ID’s if this treaty passes on May 27th. TruBio D3 TruBioD3™ contains vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in convenient softgels. Vitamin D3 is the bioidentical form of…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.30.24 – Richard Gage, AIA “The Astounding Parallels of 9/11 & COVID

     It has become critically important to go back and review the evidence that clearly demonstrates the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were a govt orchestrated “inside job” to carry out a broader agenda because it has become abundantly apparent that COVID used same playbook and tactics carried out with the 9/11…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.23.24 – 911 Truths from Pilot Capt. Dan Hanley

    APRIL 23: 911 Truths from Pilot Whistleblowers Speaker: Capt. Dan Hanley Captain Dan Hanley is a retired US Navy and commercial airline pilot who has flown airplanes his entire working life, first as a civilian, then as a US naval aviator and finally as a United Airlines pilot. Over the course of a 35-year aviation career he…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.16.24 – Mycoplasma Stealth Infections

    Speaker: Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, MD, PhD with current medical insights commentary by Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD and Major Mike Gary, CBRN officer. Dr. Garth L. Nicolson is an American cell biologist and founder of The Institute for Molecular Medicine at California, where he serves as the president, chief scientific officer, and emeritus professor of…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.09.24 – Geoengineering/Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare

    Speaker: Dane Wigington, lead researcher, GeoengineeringWatch.org and contributor to TFh Whistleblower Reports on the Environment TruChelate Designed to help the body rid itself of damaging oxidative elements & environmental toxins. www.TruthForHealthStore.com

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.02.24 –  National Security Update with Ed Haugland, National Expert in Cognitive Warfare

    USAF Veteran Edward Haugland is the author of The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win, published in August 23, 2023. For our April program, Mr. Haugland will cover two important national security related issues from his perspective and experience over 4 decades serving at multiple Intelligence Community and Department of Defense…

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    Vascular Health & Resilience Support Well-researched, citrus-based flavonoids in a unique micronized form for enhanced absorption and bioavailability. www.TruthForHealthStore.com Testimonies from the vaccine injured & families that have lost children to covid shots. Hear from Lawyers, Doctors & more on the front lines fighting for awareness, accountability, resources & change!

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  • Faith Over Fear – 03.19.24 – Weaponized Mycoplasma by Dr. Garth Nicholson

    MARCH 19 : Weaponized Mycoplasma by Dr. Garth Nicholson with commentary by Dr. Vliet Dr. Garth L. Nicolson is an American cell biologist and founder of The Institute for Molecular Medicine at California, where he serves as the president, chief scientific officer, and emeritus professor of molecular pathology. He is editor of the Journal of…

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  • COVID Vaccine Injury: Road Map to Recovery and Resilience Dr. Vliet speaks at The Villages, Florida Event March 15, 2024

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  • Faith Over Fear – 03.12.24 – Financial Update with Tory Aggeler

    MARCH 12: Financial Update with Tory Aggeler, Senior Precious Metals Advisor, McAlvany Precious Metals. One of our most popular and respected experts is b ack by many requests for an update on the financial turmoil, rising debt, continued printing of money leading to alarming inflation and threats of dollar collapse being used to usher in Central…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 03.05.2024 – The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb

    Host: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 02.27.24 – Border Invasion Threats Part II: The Role of K-9 Security Dogs for Additional Personal Protection

    Speaker: Jim Houck explains in Part II the reasons that the invasion of military aged-males from countries with such violent history mean we should seriously consider a professionally trained security K-9 for homes and businesses. Jim has trained K-9 security dogs for more than 30 years for Tier 1 special forces operators, Law Enforcement (LE)…

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    Attorney Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet are back to expose the Lawfare, open borders and violence which is spreading across the United States thanks to the millions of invaders the Biden administration and United Nations are ushering in to our once great nation.

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  • Vaccine Injury Talk – 2.25.24 at ST. PAUL EPISCOPAL CHURCH – Tucson, AZ

    Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet

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  • Dr. David Martin Addressing European Parliament On COVID Operation

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  • Faith Over Fear – 2.20.24 – Border Invasion:  The Reality of the Organized Invasion and Violent Threats We Face

    WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC CONTENT Speaker: Jim Houck, who is currently working with Lt. Col. Pete Chambers, D.O. in Operation Lone Star to protect the Texas border with Mexico, joins us to present a first-hand “boots on the ground” update on the invasion of America with the flood of illegals across our borders.  He will explain the major threats…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 2.13.24 – Big Brother is Watching You: Protecting Your Online Identity

    Part II of presentation on Artificial Intelligence and the Surveillance State. This week will discuss suggestions you can take to better protect your privacy and online identity.

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  • Faith Over Fear – 2.6.24 – The Hidden Threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    The Hidden Threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI)Media and big tech have been abuzz over Artificial Intelligence or AI for the better part of a decade, but few actually understand what it is, how it works, and why it is potentially so dangerous. In this week’s installment of Faith Over Fear we will be examining the…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 1.30.24 – Threats to Your Freedom: THE US BORDER CRISIS

    Lt. Col. (Ret) Dr. Peter C. Chambers, US Army (Ret) Green Beret, Combat Physician and Flight Surgeon. Doc Chambers discusses the Texas stand against the invasion of our country organized, funded and carried out by the Biden Administration, the UN, NGOs (including Catholic and Protestant Charities receiving taxpayer dollars from the US Government). He also discusses…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 01.23.24 – Experts Present to the Croatian Parliament on the Legal Framework of Global Control

    Speakers: Todd Callender, Esq. and Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and now whistleblower.

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  • Democracy vs Constitutional Republic

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  • Legal Symposium: Legal Avenues for Remdesivir and COVID injection injury

     with Attorney Warner Mendenhall, Esq. and moderated by Dr. Vliet. This seminar is for lawyers and the lay public interested in learning more about new avenues for lawsuits on behalf of those injured by the experimental COVID shots, or anyone with a family member who died as result of being the COVID injections or Remdesivir…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 1.16.24 – Becoming Your Own Physician for Your Financial Health: Taking Stock of Emerging Threats & Your Finances

    January 16, 2024 Becoming Your Own Physician for Your Financial Health: Taking Stock of Emerging Threats & Your Finances. Speaker: Tory Aggeler, McAlvany Precious Metals

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  • Dr. Vliet & Todd Callender – 01.12.24 – SGT Report

    Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back at SGT Report with a dire warning. If we don’t stop what the satanic rulers of the darkness have planned for all of us, we may as well be dead. Because YOU HAVE BEEN CORDIALLY INVITED TO BEND THE KNEE to the NEW WORLD ORDER, slave.…

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  • Dr. Vliet & Ann Vandersteel – 01.10.24 – NATTOKINASE – IS IT BEING USED SAFELY?

    Nattokinase has been lauded as the wonder supplement to cure the effects of the COVID spike protein. Many famous medical freedom doctors are pushing this OTC supplement without doing blood work for their patients first. This is proving dangerous. Dr. Lee Vliet explains. Learn more about Nattokinase, and determine if it is the right compound…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 01.09.24 – Becoming Your Own Physician:  KNOW YOUR NUMBERS, GET TESTED

    How can you plan your roadmap to better health if you don’t know the markers of where you are now? Join us for a discussion of your biometrics, and important Laboratory studies you need to have done to guide you in your health decisions and actions. Speakers: Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik.

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  • Faith Over Fear – 1.2.24 – Marburg Pandemic Declaration & Disease Via Biden’s Open Border & Unscreened Illegal Invaders

    January 2, 2024: The Marburg Pandemic Declaration, and Diseases Coming Via Biden’s Open Border & Unscreened Illegals Flooding America.  Speakers: Dr. Vliet and Todd Callender, Esq. What you need to know and steps to take to protect yourself and your family

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  • Truth Project – Laura Brett

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  • Faith Over Fear Program TURBO CANCERS Part VI: Integrative Lifestyle and Metabolic Strategies You Control

    Join Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik for our 6th and final program in our Cancer series to teach you strategies for 1) preventing cancer, 2) reducing cancer metastasis, and 3) reducing the toxicity of standard chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy with lifestyle and nutraceutical approaches you can implement on your own with needing prescriptions.

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  • Dr. Vliet & Mike Adams The Health Ranger on Healing Vaccine Injuries

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  • Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – Official Message for Truth for Health Foundation

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  • Croation Parlimentary Hearing: The Weaponization of Public Health

    Speakers: Todd Callender, ESQ. & LTC (RET) Peter Chambers, D.O.

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  • Faith Over Fear – 12.05.23 – TURBO CANCER: Innovative Treatments Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You Part IV- Bee Venom

    Our 4th program in this six-part series created by Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik explores the therapeutic applications of Bee Venom, also known as apitoxin, for the treatment of many human diseases. Bee venom contains several active molecules such as peptides and enzymes that have advantageous potential in treating inflammation, immune-related diseases and central nervous system…

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  • Truth Project – 11.29.23 – Lesson 12 ~ Community and Involvement: God Cares; Do I?

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth for…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 11.28.23 – Turbo Cancer Pt. III

    This is Part III of the six-part series Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik have created to explore NIH-sponsored research on the use of older FDA-approved medicines for other medical disorders that are being re-purposed as medicines to treat cancers, particularly the “Turbo Cancers” exploding in COVID-vaccinated people and not responding to traditional chemo and radiation therapies. Our…

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  • Truth Project – 11.22.23 – Lesson 11 ~ Labor: Created to Create

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth for…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 11.21.23 – TURBO CANCER: Innovative Treatments Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You. Part II: Mebendazole, Albendazole & Fenbendazole

    “Turbo Cancer” is the name coined by Canadian clinical and research Oncologist Dr. William Makis for the rapid-onset, aggressive, fast-growing cancers rising dramatically and shocking oncologists around the world since the roll-out of the COVID injections. These new forms of cancers are hitting younger, healthier people than we have ever seen before. Tragically, these aggressive “turbo…

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  • Truth Project – 11.15.23 – Lesson 10: The American Experience Stepping Stones

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth for…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 11.14.23 -: Repurposed Medicines & Innovative Treatments Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You.

    “Turbo Cancer” is the name coined by Canadian clinical and research Oncologist Dr. William Makis for the rapid-onset, aggressive, fast growing cancers that have emerged since the roll-out of the COVID injections. These new forms of cancers have not been responsive to traditional treatments with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and more alarming, are arising in younger,…

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  • Dr. Vliet and Todd Callender on SGT Report

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  • Truth Project – 11.09.23 – Lesson 9 – The State: Whose Law?

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  • Faith Over Fear – 11.07.23 – Honey: Nature’s Miracle of Health and Medical Benefits

    Most of us remember our grandmothers using honey for medicinal value when we were sick with a cold or sore throat. Honey’s antibacterial properties have been recognized down through the ages. Honey has been classified by WHO and USDA as a simple sugar, but there is actually significant data showing that honey contains rare and…

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  • Will the Internet as We Know It Disappear in the Next Year?

    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola November 04, 2023 Choosing between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces is a false choice. The side we should be on is the side of innocent civilians, regardless of where they live. Only by being against war will we stand against the correct enemy because, ultimately, most if not all…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 10.31.23 – “Topic: Honeybees and the Health of the Planet: Their Survival Affects OUR Survival”

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  • Truth Project – 10.25.23 – Lesson 7: “Sociology: The Divine Footprint” 

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  • Truth Project – Lesson 8: Unio Mystica, Am I Alone?

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth for…

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  • Faith Over Fear – Hamas’ Asymmetric War: You Cannot Kill An Idea – 10.17.2023

    Following our program last week on the Biblical perspective on events in the Middle East, this week we turn to an expert on the miliary and intelligence perspective on the asymmetric warfare being directed at us from all directions. Speaker: Mr. Ed Haugland, USAF (Ret.) and retired Senior Intelligence Advisor to multiple federal intelligence agencies Ed Haugland,…

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  • Truth Be Told: Disease Misdiagnosis, South America, and Current Events Parallels

    Host: Todd Callender, Esq.Special Guest: Dr. Elizabeth Vliet & Prof. Jaime F. Bravo, MD

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  • Connecting The Dots – 4th Class of Injury: Immune Disruption – 10.20.23

    Hosts: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD & Clinical Exercise Specialist and Wellness Coach, Kathy Kresnik

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  • Truth Project – 10.18.23 – Lesson 6: History: Whose Story?

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project®is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth for…

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  • Truth Project – 10.11.23 – Lesson 5, Part II: What is Science: What is True?

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project®is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 10.10.2023 – Today’s World Events and Connections with Biblical Prophecy

    Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Israel after the devastating surprise attacks on Israel on their Sabbath on October 7. There are no words to describe how horrified our entire team is on hearing this news. As Christians and Jews, we are facing devastating increases in social, political, economic, and physical attacks…

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    Hormones, Health, Resilience3rd Class of InjuryHosted by Dr. VlietWith Kathy Kresnick

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  • Truth Project – 10.04.23 – What is Science, What is True?

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate…

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  • Connecting The Dots: 2nd Class of Injury

    Connect The Dots – 2nd Class of Injury: Systemic Inflammation and Steps to Reduce (From Treatment Guide)Host: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD with Clinical Exercise Specialist& Wellness Coach, Kathy Kresnik

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  • Faith Over Fear – 10.03.23 – Financial Crisis Concerns? Beware the Scams!

    Speaker: Tory Aggeler, McAlvaney Precious Metals Senior Advisor. With the increasing instability in traditional investments, more people are turning to alternatives such as precious metals. But the gold and silver market is rife with scams. To protect yourself, you really need to understand what to watch for, what questions to ask, and how to identify…

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    VAXXCHOICE PRESENTS: 5G SYMPOSIUM – 6 HR SPECIALSPEAKERS:Todd Callender, EsqAnn VandersteelDr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MDDoc Pete ChambersDr. Ana Maria MihalceaDr. Joseph SansoneDavid Meiswinkle, Esq.Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa LongDr. Bill LionbergerWarner MendenhallMaj. Jeffry Prather (Ret.) Product Links:TOWER GARDEN – https://vl67199.towergarden.com/us/enDoc of Detox – https://doc-of-detox-2.myshopify.com/collections/water-units?ref=wPfHknAlyZ-y_b&utm_source=affiliateCENTROPIX – https://centropix.us/VAXXCHOICEPATIENT ADVOCATE BULLDOG – https://patientadvocatebulldog.com/ref/9/FIX THE WORLD – https://www.ftwproject.com/product/vaxxchoice-delux-sample-pack/ref/493/TruthHUB –

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  • ICYMI – Truth Be Told

    Todd Callender, Esq.Dr. VlietRachel Rodrigues, Esq.

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  • Truth Project – 9.27.23- Theology: Who is God?

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project®is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate truth…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 9.26.23 – China Satellites Fired Maui by Maj. Jeffrey Prather with Steve Favis

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  • Truth Project No. 3 – 9.20.23 – Theology: Who is Man

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  • Truth Project – 10.20.2023 – Anthropology: Who Is Man?

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate…

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  • The Truth Project Pt. 2 – 9.14.23 – Philosophy and Ethics

    A look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World. The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here and the source of ultimate…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 9.13.23 – FIGHTING PROSTATE CANCER & HEART DISEASE: Our Challenging Journey to RecoveryFaith Over Fear

    What do you do when you learn your husband – you thought was fit and healthy –suddenly is told he has stage4 Prostate Cancer, a dilated thoracic aortic aneurism, and while dealing with a lumbar disk protrusion causing severe sciatic pain sidelining him from training? How do you wrap your head around all of this…

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  • Connecting The Dots – 9.8.23

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  • The Truth Project – 9.6.23 – Part 1

    THE TRUTH PROJECT™ 13-week series …A Look at The Cosmic Battle Between God’s Truth and Illusions of the World The Truth Project® is the groundbreaking series produced by Dr. Dell Tackett and Focus on the Family, designed to take participants on a guided tour of what’s happening in our broken culture, how we got here…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 9.5.23 – Opposing COVID Tyranny

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  • Connecting The Dots with Dr. Vliet – 09.01.23

    Connecting the Dots with Dr. Vliet: Hormones, Health and ResilienceHosts: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD & Kathy Kresnik, Clinical Exercise Specialist and Wellness CoachSeptember 1, 2023

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  • Faith Over Fear – 8.29.23 – The Looming Financial Crisis: Action Steps to Prepare Part II

    Speaker: Tory Aggeler, Senior Precious Metals Advisor, McAlvany ICA What can you do to prepare for financial upheaval that is heading our way? What are steps to take for the health of your portfolio? What are the options for investing in gold and silver, as well as tax-advantaged strategies to keep more of your income…

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  • Ask Dr. Vliet – 08.25.23

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  • Faith Over Fear – 8.22.23 – The Looming Financial Freedom Crisis: Action Steps to PrepareFaith Over Fear

    Speakers: Todd Callender, Esq. International Attorney, CEO Cotswold Group, and CEO CloutHub & Tory Aggeler, Senior Precious Metals Advisor, McAlvany ICA Topics include: the Global macro-economic picture, impact of debt and spending on our rising inflation and interest rates, effects on US dollar, recession/depression concerns, banking sector instability, geopolitical tensions and their impact on our…

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  • Ask Dr. Vliet – 08.18.23

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  • Faith Over Fear – 8.15.2023 -NASA’s “UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE” & Its Many Uses in Today’s Environmental & Health Threats


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  • Ask Dr. Vliet – 08.11.23

    Hormones & Health

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  • FAITH OVER FEAR – 8.8.23 – Food as Medicine & Treatment Options YOU Control

    As the news constantly bombards us threats of new “pandemics,” and we have experienced the failure of our medical system during COVID to provide truthful information and treatment to help people facing viral and other illnesses, our message for this progam is that YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS OVER YOUR HEALTH! God has given us MANY…

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  • Covid Long Game with Dr. Lee Vliet and Suzzanne Monk | Unrestricted Truths Ep. 401

    AMP News DrLee4America speaks to AMP News on COVID Long Game.

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  • Ask Dr. Vliet: Your Action Plan For Health & Resilience

    Dr. Vliet and guest speaker Kathy Kresnick discuss taking action to promote health in this episode of “Ask Dr. Vliet”

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  • FAITH OVER FEAR – 8.1.23 -Electromagnetic Radiation, 5G, & COVID Shots – Combined Damage Effects on Your Health

    Speakers: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD; Dr. John Waterman; Lt. Col. (Ret) Peter C. Chambers

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  • FAITH OVER FEAR – 7.18.23 – Turn Your Back Yard into Resources for Self-Sufficiency, Health & Resilience

    Learn from the steps two families have taken to provide healthier food options for their families as we face more and more sources of contamination of our food supply with mRNA “vaccines” for livestock and vegetables, increasing environmental endocrine disrupters and food additives that are inflammatory and disrupt our endocrine systems. Navy Commander Rob Green,…

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  • The Truth About 15 Minutes Cities and the Electronic Prison

    A critically important interview with international attorney Todd Callender, and Israel News host Tamar Yonah. Listen here: Quoting Todd Callender, Esq: “15-minute cities are already in existence – Cleveland (Ohio) is our first 15 minute city and there are a dozen right behind it. England already has some as well as other European countries. The…

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  • FAITH OVER FEAR – 07.11.23 – CONNECTING THE DOTS ~ WHAT’S BEHIND WHAT’S COMING? Your action steps to prepare.

    Presented by:Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD. Preventive and Climacteric MedicineKathy Kresnik, Director of Health and Resilience How are all the events we face now connected to a classified plan put forth by Henry Kissinger for the US Govt in 1974? Dr. Vliet connects the dots to show connections with today. And then…What if you lost electricity,…

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    Moderators: Dr. Vliet and Attorney Warner Mendenhall, Esq.I. PRO SE Litigation: Holding Government Accountable presented by Brian Ames, who has sued and won cases as high as the Supreme Court – without an attorney!II. PRO SE Litigation: Pilot Suit Against Major Airline and Pilots Union Presented by Capt. Bahig Saliba, whose Pro Se case is…

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  • FAITH OVER FEAR – 7.4.23 – Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines: A Story of Hope for Those Who Love Liberty

    Speaker:Navy Commander Robert A. Green, Jr. As we honor the true meaning of INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4, 2023 , our speaker discusses the current tyranny we have faced in the COVID mandates in light of the challenges faced by our Founding Fathers. His message to the American people is clear: The crisis faced by military…

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  • FAITH OVER FEAR – 6.27.2023 – Dark Side of Soy II

    Health & Resilience: Dietary Saboteurs of Hormone Health: The Dark Side of Soy & Endocrine Disrupters PART II Speakers:Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, Preventive and Climacteric MedicineKathy Kresnik, Director of Health and Resilience

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  • LEGAL SYMPOSIUM – Register HERE in Advance for JUNE 19 6:30 pm ET

    Moderators: Dr. Vliet and Attorney Warner Mendenhall, Esq.

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  • FAITH OVER FEAR – 6.20.2023 – Health & Resilience: Dietary Saboteurs of Hormone Health The Dark Side of Soy & Endocrine Disrupters

    Speakers: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, Preventive and Climacteric Medicine Kathy Kresnik, Director of Health and Resilience

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  • Ask Dr. Vliet – Friday 6.16.2023 @ 1PM ET

    Dietary Saboteurs of Hormones and Health Pt. II. Watch the livestream here or on CloutHub @ https://clouthub.com/Vaxxchoice

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  • Flag Day Press Conference

    Watch Live Stream on Rumble here: Watch Live Stream on the Truth for Health CloutHub Channel here: https://clouthub.com/TruthforHealth TUCSON, AZ, June 10, 2023 The Covid vaccine mandate has been rescinded yet topDepartment of Defense officials in the Biden Administration are continuing theirsystemic destruction of our military by retaliating against the unvaccinated and thosewho applied for…

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