WHO’s Three Pillars of Global Control Are Upon Us

The World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing hard in their desperate grab for global control through their International health regulatory “treaty.” Once signed by countries of the world, WHO solidifies its vise of totalitarian, global control through the WHO ONE HEALTH agenda that decides the “health” options for ALL life on the planet—human, animal, plant, and even the “health” of the climate.

Memorial Day 2023: Turn Back to God or Face Requiem for America

Today, we honor the fallen and pay our respects to the nation’s heroes. Your sacrifices are never forgotten. I particularly want to remember the 13 marines killed in Afghanistan, abandoned by our own Government in the abrupt surrender of Afghanistan to our enemies. May all of our fallen Rest In Peace. You are never forgotten Semper Fidelis.

mRNA COVID Shots: A Giant, Dangerous, Fantasy

Toxic by design, the COVID shots were known to cause disability and death long before they were unleashed on the world. Listen to Pharma Insiders expose more about what was known and when they knew it, and why millions of people around the world are “walking time bombs” of damage going on inside their bodies that is leading to the epidemic of “sudden death.”

Finally! Air Force Major Restored to a “Clean Slate”

USAF MAJ Aaron Elliott endured severe persecution and adverse actions, including official letters of reprimand in his otherwise exemplary record due to his application for exemption from the COVID shots.

Today’s Whistleblower Report explores the hard work and persistence it took to clear his record and emerge with finally a “clean slate” from all the damage that had been done: one Letter of Reprimand involved a 2,500 page-Rebuttal. He submitted two separate complaints to the Inspector General, three Whistleblower Reprisal Complaints, three Military Equal Opportunity Complaints, and three Congressional Inquiries conducted on his behalf against his chain of command. He also submitted a Religious Accommodation Request Appeal to the Secretary of the Air Force and another memo detailing discrepancies between the Air Force’s religious regulation and the Department of Defense’s Instruction on Religion.

Legal Report: Major Airlines Continued Attack on Pilots & Aviation Safety

Captain Bahig Saliba is literally the only currently employed airline pilot in the country whose services as a pilot are still being blocked over the unlawful COVID mandates, even in the face of a pilot shortage at all the major airlines.

Captain Saliba emigrated to the US and began his flying career in 1984 as a flight instructor for fixed-wing and rotorcraft helicopters. He worked for several airlines before finally joining the current airline in 1997, where he has been a Captain at the airline since 2004. He is laser-focused on safety and has an impeccable record as a pilot.

Vaccine Report: WHO Aims for Global Totalitarian Control of Our Lives

Sunday, May 21, 2023, marked the beginning of the World Health Organization’s aggressive final assault on freedom for the people of the world, as WHO convened their World Health Assembly for the final push to become the world’s policeman on ALL “health” matters (or anything they decide is related to health) for ALL life on the planet: human, animal, plant and even the “health” of our climate.

Bill Gates human vulture and nemesis to humanity

Inside Pharma Report: Bill Gates Mastermind Behind Capturing Global Health Regulatory Agencies?

Evidence is mounting that this is the case as our Whistleblowers –Hedley Rees from the UK and international attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich—discuss today with US physician Dr. Vliet. Inside Pharma host Hedley Rees also exposes the surreptitious steps the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has taken to change its Regulations to allow gene therapies, and other advanced medicinal products, to be manufactured without the safety umbrella of there being a proper Quality Management System in place. Read more here: Subject: FOI Request—substantial change in 2022 edition of Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors: PART IV “Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice Specific to Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)

Faith Report from Truth for Health Foundation

Faith Report: God’s Strategic Plan For America Where Are We Now?

When we see our Nation crumbling before our very eyes, and evil appears to be running rampant throughout our society today, what can we turn to for hope that all is not lost? “Where is God?” We cry as we are engulfed by fear, sorrow, and despair. How can we be sure God is not absent or impotent in the face of a government that is out of control, bent on destroying all we hold dear?