Pilots, flight attendants, customer service agents, mechanics, and ramp agents have bravely stood together against United Airlines’ human and civil rights violations with their unlawful COVID vaccine mandates that also violate FAA regulations and the Nuremberg Code prohibiting forced experimentation on human beings. These courageous employees refused to be bullied into violating their beliefs and injecting experimental gene therapy shots into their bodies.
Vaccine Report: Big Pharma’s mRNA Shots Coming After Your T-Cells and Food
Big Pharma’s relentless assault with gene-changing technologies continues with today’s discussion using our T-Cell immunity pathways and “edible vaccines” in vegetables and livestock (pigs, cattle, chickens, lamb), milk, and eggs as the latest vehicles to get the synthetic mRNA into our bodies – whether we want it or not. Part I discusses the brand new published research on T-Cell mRNA technology –published by BionTech itself before clinical trials completed and before any open source, independent peer review of their findings. Part II discusses the alarming accelerating efforts to permeate our food supply—meats and vegetables—with “edible” mRNA vaccines that are not disclosed to the public in full transparency.
Inside Pharma: FDA Malfeasance Exposed Director Peter Marks Ignores Safety
FDA’s CBER Director, Peter Marks, seems focused on seeking power as a global leader promoting gene therapy mRNA shots for all humanity rather than on his US-taxpayer job to protect the safety of vaccines being manufactured for Americans.
Faith Report: Dr. Mike Yeadon My “Road to Damascus” Moment
In a powerful and moving personal testimony, Dr. Mike Yeadon shares his “Road to Damascus” moment when he was confronted with the evil of the globalists’ worldwide attack on humanity, on Western civilization, and in particular, assault on Christianity.
As a top global scientist with Pfizer, he had fallen away from faith in God, and his personal experiences in the last three years show how God can call any of us into His service for His plan.
Military Report: Airman Exposes VA’s Punitive Tactics With Unlawful Mask Orders
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) obsession with unlawful Covid-19 mandates continue to punitive service members and veterans. TSgt Same Cooke reveals the VA’s draconian and punitive enforcement of these illegal mask orders. Sam challenged them on the legality of the mask mandates, and that led to multiple armed VA police officers literally acting as “mask police” at point-of-entry, which continues to this day. Sam was given an ultimatum: 1) remove his cloth mask and use a disposable mask issued by VA security, 2) wear both masks or 3) leave the building to seek healthcare elsewhere. Sam learned to his shock that VA policy trumps US law in federal statutes.
Vaccine Report: Information War About the COVID Shots
We are in an Information War about the COVID shots that is planned misinformation and disinformation to push the mass vaccination agenda using the constant mantra claiming experimental COVID shots are “safe” and “effective.” But there are also conflicting claims about what is actually IN the vaccines that are causing more and more confusion and fueling fears.
Military Report: Biden Sabotaged National Biodefense With Opposite Actions
Col. James Zietlow, USAF (Ret.), and Major Mike Gary, military CBRN expert, discusses how the carefully developed 2018 National Biodefense Strategic Plan was badly sabotaged under the Biden Administration’s unlawful and tyrannical mandates that were never intended in the original 2018 plan nor the earlier 2007 Department of Defense Global Pandemic Influenza Plan.
Expert Expose: Inside the Black Box of Big Pharma
Inside Pharma launches as a weekly feature of Truth for Health Foundation Whistleblower Report to provide a laser-guided “missile” into the secret “Black Box” that is Big Pharma today. We help you understand the cover-up, lies, and deception going on within the pharmaceutical industry that are causing damage and death to patients worldwide.
Military Report: Biden’s Gargantuan Fraud on COVID Mandates
The illegality of mandates is confirmed explicitly in that law, i.e., the “option to accept or refuse,” and are also supported by 21 CFR 50.25 and the 2005 DoD EUA precedent for anthrax vaccine that was also an illegal mandate eventually overturned by the courts and subsequently led Congress to enact added federal legislation to protect America’s military from future similar abuses – all of which have been ignored in the management of the COVID pandemic and unlawful mandates using EUA products deceptively foisted off the military and civilian public as “approved” for COVID.
Medical Report: Flying Blind FAA Failure To Protect Public From Vaccine-Injured Pilots
These federal agencies and industry groups have been duly notified in sworn affidavits from legal and medical experts of the irrefutable evidence of the widespread damage and deaths from the COVID shots. This evidence came from the detailed medical records in the military’s DMED database and was delivered by one of the top Army Flight Surgeons to Senator Ron Johnson, who then confronted the Secretary of Defense about this crisis and threats to public safety.