Whistleblower Report – 06.20.24 – Dirty Tactics by the WHO at the 77th World Health Assembly

At the 77th World Heath Assembly, the WHO again used dirty tactics to pass new amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulatory Agreements – this time putting in provisions threatening arrest of anyone who speaks out against Avian Flu vaccines[ELVM1] . WHO also threatened delegates of Member States with preventing return ticket purchases after the meeting if they voted against giving up sovereignty.  Read about the WHOs dirty tactics as reported by lawyer Shabnam Palesa Mohammed who was present in Geneva, Switzerland at the 77th WHA meeting.

Whistleblower Report – 06.17.24 – People Rise Up: Explosive Hearing in Philippines, Japanese Minister Apologizes for COVID Shot Damage

Around the world, governments are turning a blind eye to the massive death and destruction of health caused by the COVID shots: sudden deaths in all ages, constant illnesses, myocarditis, brain damage and seizures in children, late stage aggressive Turbo cancers in all age groups, rising Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders, explosion of autoimmune disorders, infertility, miscarriages and stillborn babies. The COVID shots have been a medical disaster for people of all ages, all ethnic groups, and all of the countries with high vaccination rates.

Exposing United Nations Tentacles to Strangle Freedom

The WHO Pandemic Treaty appears to be failing passage, but our Whistleblower Report team focuses on the even more urgent message that the tentacles of the United Nations are far more dangerous to world freedom than even the WHO international health regulatory agreements.  Even if the United States and other countries leave the World Health Organization now, the more sinister and nefarious United Nations initiatives discussed by our experts are still solidly in place with their horrifying assaults on humanity. This United Nations agenda of death must still be defested if humanity is to survive. The many tentacles already deeply embedded in our lives are the subject of today’s show.

Whistleblower Report – 05.24.24 – Covid and Covid Vaccine Origin: Exposed by DARPA Military Whistle Blower

In early April of 2024, Senator Rand Paul went on a whirlwind tour of the media. He presented new information from a highly credible military officer and whistleblower that fifteen (15) US government agencies knew about Ecohealth Alliance’s dangerous gain-of-function work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, known as project DEFUSE. Senator Rand Paul was appalled at the lack of concern and disclosure to Congress and the public by our own government agencies.

Whistleblower Report – 05.06.24 – Weaponizing the Specter of “Avian Flu:” Propaganda to Push WHO “Pandemic Treaty”

A draconian “Avian Flu” emergency order has been issued May 1 by the Governor and Department of Agriculture for the State of Michigan, effective May 8, that orders military-style BIOSECURITY procedures to be put in place by all commercial dairy and poultry farms across Michigan, regardless of whether there is documented disease in any of the cows or chickens.

Whistleblower Report – 04.24.24 – Avian Flu: WHO’s New Propaganda Fear Campaign

The World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting is coming up at the end of May 2024, where the global tyrants are planning to ram through the proposed changes to the International Health Regulations under the guise of a “Pandemic Treaty” that usurps each Nation’s independent sovereignty and local control of medical and public health matters, including what is allowed for treatment or mandated for vaccination.

Whistleblower Report – 04.22.24 – Rogue Military Chain of Command Operates Above the Law

The military continues its unlawful practices that it employed so heavily during the “COVID emergency.” Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) reigns supreme in today’s Department of Defense. Pentagon Brass and high-level command leaders across all branches of the US military have become focused on following political agendas as gospel above the Constitution. The military seems to be forever changed with no hope of bringing it back to the most respected institution in the nation as it once was.  It is a difficult admission to many veterans and patriots, as it feels like the military sold its soul to the devil.