Special Guest Host: Harpal Mangat. MD Dr. Harpal Mangat, respected DC physician who innovated with early therapy in his testimony thanks his patients for pushing him to work with medications and help them avoid the hospital. High dose steroids in the inflammatory phase was a …
Faith Over Fear – 06.04.24 – Looming Dollar Crisis? Asymmetric Warfare on the Economic Front
June 4: Looming Dollar Crisis? Asymmetric Warfare on the Economic Front Our popular returning speaker: Tory Aggeler, Senior Precious Metals Advisor, McAlvany Precious Metals with a financial update and strategies to improve one’s financial health in a rapidly changing world. Portfolio Protection Contact Tory Aggeler, Truth …
Faith Over Fear – 02.27.24 – Border Invasion Threats Part II: The Role of K-9 Security Dogs for Additional Personal Protection
Speaker: Jim Houck explains in Part II the reasons that the invasion of military aged-males from countries with such violent history mean we should seriously consider a professionally trained security K-9 for homes and businesses. Jim has trained K-9 security dogs for more than 30 …
Faith Over Fear – 10.10.2023 – Today’s World Events and Connections with Biblical Prophecy
Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Israel after the devastating surprise attacks on Israel on their Sabbath on October 7. There are no words to describe how horrified our entire team is on hearing this news. As Christians and Jews, we are …