Hospital administrators are in lockstep across America forcing medical professionals to use COVID protocols that bring incentive bonus payments to the hospitals but end up causing staggering death rates for …
How is Medical Tyranny Costing Lives in America and the World?
What are the medical truths on which Hippocratic Medicine is based that are being eroded today by government agencies, political agendas, big pharma, and big tech? How is medical tyranny …
Open letter to parents regarding Pfizer SARS CoV-2 vaccination of children
Open letter to parents regarding Pfizer SARS CoV-2 vaccination of children
Defense of Science @ ReOpen San Diego
ReOpen Sand Diego Defending Science and Human Rights
Steps to Take Before Hospitalization for COVID-19
YOUR LIFE IS GOD’S GIFT. Your time on earth should be in His hands, not controlled by lack of proper care in hospitals. In order to best prepare yourself or …
Archbishop Viganò States We Have a Moral Duty to Reject the COVID Vaccination
The Archbishop went on to assert it was a moral “duty” to refuse inoculation given what we now know about the [COVID] vaccine program.
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson Vaccine Injury Panel
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson holds a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., with doctors and medical researchers who treat COVID-19 vaccine injuries, along with patients who have experienced adverse events due to the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Attack on Scientific Dissent Becomes Ever More Brutal
“In this ‘Age of Lysenkoism,’ the approach is to use the hysterical media to go on the attack, to smear, and blame the skeptics who question failed policies and mandates, for the very failure of the policies and mandates that were implemented. It has gotten to a point now where the media has garnered near zero credibility and the public believes near zero in terms of what the media prints. ”
Rescuing Covid Patients from Death From Dr. Breggin’s Introduction: “Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD is an outstanding physician, a force in the ethical and scientific treatment of COVID-19. She recently started the public charity, Truth …
I really do hope that you can help me to try and save any pregnant mothers that we can from being coerced in(to) this
August 19, 2021 Hannah Damary-ThompsonOperations Director at Eden Lea Rail I am desperately trying to reach out to all well-known influencers and truth speakers following a deeply disturbing and upsetting …