Truth for Health Foundation Whistleblower Report

MILITARY REPORT: A Soldier’s Continued Damage From Unlawful COVID Mandates

PFC Derrick Wynne remains strong in the fight against DoD politics and bureaucracy to clear and correct his military record after the damage caused by the unlawful Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Under federal law, Congressional action to rescind the Covid-19 shot mandate should have resulted in correcting the military service record for every military service member damaged with punitive comments and less than Honorable Discharges. But the DoD has not complied. Most of our military are still experiencing retaliation, punishment, and suffering the continuing consequences of a General or Dishonorable discharge that prevent service members from accessing benefits meant for veterans, such as the GI Bill, medical care at the VA, and more. Being able to use these veterans’ benefits requires an Honorable Discharge,

LEGAL REPORT: mRNA Vaccine Chemical Sprays From Military Aircraft Next?

British news recently announced the development of an mRNA vaccine chemical spray deployed from military aircraft. International attorney Todd Callender described this plan going back to 2001 and said: “We are witnessing the execution phase of this vector of death and depopulation in accordance with Henry Kissinger’s December 10, 1974, classified National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT). Kissinger’s memorandum has served as their justification since depopulation was agreed in Cairo in 1994 among the many UN Member nations.”

WHO’s One Health: A Death Trap for All Life on the Planet

All of this is just the beginning of the damage to life and the continued sabotage of our health that has been underway for decades and is projected to dramatically “tighten the screws” on people and all living organisms worldwide if the WHO’s One Health control plan is signed into international law. Again I say, I see NO redeeming value, and only the potential for harm and death, if the World Health Organization succeeds in its power grab for control of all of us through One Health.

FREEDOM REPORT: Australian Patriot Stands up to WEF Autonomous Police

Did you know Melbourne in formerly free Australia signed agreements with the World Economic Forum for WEF Autonomous Policing, not subject to the customary laws in Australia? These Melbourne WEF Police are the very same police who have been persecuting, stalking, harassing, arresting, jailing, and prosecuting a Melbourne business owner and minister for simply exercising his Charter Rights to keep his business open during the lockdown. This is a shocking Whistleblower Report describing abuses and demonic tyranny that may well be headed to America if we don’t join together with our fellow Patriots to expose the evil and stand against this assault on God’s gift of liberty and our very lives.

WHO’s Three Pillars of Global Control Are Upon Us

The World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing hard in their desperate grab for global control through their International health regulatory “treaty.” Once signed by countries of the world, WHO solidifies its vise of totalitarian, global control through the WHO ONE HEALTH agenda that decides the “health” options for ALL life on the planet—human, animal, plant, and even the “health” of the climate.