The Pottinger Ultimatum: The Road to The Takedown of Jeffrey Epstein

J. Stanley Pottinger, one of the lead lawyers representing victims of Jeffrey Epstein, was directly involved in covering up Watergate; the assassination of MLK; the Kent State Massacre, and he played a vital part in the stand-off at Wounded Knee; the case of Orlando Letelier & CIA domestic surveillance; Iran-Contra; and the October Surprise.

Canada’s Wildfires: Climate Change? Or Arson and Ecoterrorism?

Media pundits and politicians blamed Canada’s massive wildfires on “climate change,” – but is this really the trigger?

“Climate change” is the globalists and politicians’ “buzzword” for every event we face in today’s world. The Canadian media brazenly hides the fact that Canada has experienced a record number of documented arsons—fires deliberately set—and continue to, i.e., to the public that the fraud of “climate change” is to blame.

FREEDOM REPORT – The Pottinger Supremacy: The Road to the Takedown of Jeffrey Epstein

Stanley Pottinger played a central role in signing-off Watergate, the Kent State Massacre, and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. But as his time at the Justice Dept. came to an end, he also helped his good friend and CIA director, George H. W. Bush, in other ways. However, Bush was not Pottinger’s only connection to the world of intelligence during this period, he was also busy smuggling arms with Jeffrey Epstein himself. Welcome to the Pottinger Supremacy.

INSIDE BIG PHARMA – Croatia’s War for Freedom From COVID Tyranny

Croatian entrepreneur and civil activist Andrija Klarić has been exposing HALMED, Croatia’s medicines regulatory agency similar to the US FDA, and reporting on their fraudulent practices in the manufacturing and distribution supply chains and lack of proper due diligence. Rather than accept their glib, ill-informed answers, he has been aggressively digging into the very heart of the corruption and collusion that has covered up the dangers of the SARS-CoV-2 injections for the Croatian people as a result of the violations of good manufacturing practices and also exposing similar lack of regulatory oversight on safety by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Kiss of Judas: How COVID Mandates Weaponized Compassion

Compassion, which means to suffer with someone, is a Christian ideal that, during COVID lockdowns and mandates, became twisted, co-opted, and weaponized by the globalists’ political agenda to destroy the American Constitution. Employing calculated psychological manipulation of Christians through “compassion for others,” power-hungry globalists seeking to destroy America calculatedly used Covid mandates to accelerate authoritarianism and government control of every aspect of our lives. The end game has been mass vaccination for alteration of God’s design of the human genome, ultimately leading to massive depopulation that has been planned since Henry Kissinger’s 1974 classified report for the US government. Millions have died of the experimental COVID shots, and millions more are severely vaccine-injured—the “walking wounded.” Without unified resistance against this evil, our lives will never return to the old “normal.

FREEDOM REPORT: Pottinger and the Hidden Hands Behind the Empire and Takedown of Jeffrey Epstein

J. Stanley Pottinger is best known today as one of the most prominent lawyers representing victims of infamous billionaire intelligence asset and pedophile sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. As a former member of the Nixon and Ford administrations, J. Stanley Pottinger has also played a central role in some of the most infamous official cover-ups to take place over the last 50 years—including Watergate, the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Iran Contra, Kent State, the “October Surprise” and now Jeffrey Epstein. Prepare yourself, for this series won’t only expose Pottinger’s extremely influential and close relationship to government, the Republican Party and the CIA, it will also rewrite what we thought we knew about the dark forces behind this phase of American history.

FREEDOM REPORT: Master Puppeteer Behind Globalists Depopulation Agenda – The Dark Side of Heinz Kissinger

The man born Heinz Kissinger in Bavaria, Germany has just celebrated his 100th birthday to fanfare around the world. Yet for all his global power and celebrity for the last 75 of those 100 years, few know the dark side of his background and his roles shaping the skyrocketing global deaths we see today since the roll out of the COVID gene therapy shots. Few realize that Heinz Kissinger changed his name to Henry Kissinger after coming to the United States to escape Nazi Germany in WWII.Even fewer know that Henry Kissinger is the diabolical mind behind the 1974 secret KISSINGER REPORT: National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 200) calling for world depopulation.

Truth for Health Foundation Whistleblower Report Inside Big Pharma

WEF’s UK Puppet Government: Mass Murder by Policy

Tracing the complex linkages has led to the UK government is the epicenter of the SARS-CoV-2 injection deaths and cover-up and euthanasia of the elderly in care homes in Britain. Michael O’Bernicia discusses his unique insights into the role of the Rothchild Family and other mega-rich dynasties in the decades of evil planning seeking to control all humanity and continue the globalists’ diabolical depopulation agenda.