Dangerous Spread of mRNA “Vaccines” and DNA Contamination into Veterinary Market, Food Supply, and Breast Milk

Our international team of scientists, veterinary and human medicine physicians, and investigative journalists expose the emerging dangers of a major push for MRNA injections across the entire veterinary field—livestock, domestic pets and animals in general—in spite of the risk to people and the environment with wholesale release of genetic material into humans, animals and plants.

PLANDEMIC 2.0: Disrupt Economy, Election 2024 and Set in Motion Medical Martial Law.

International attorney Todd Callender provides the legal Framework for government tools used to create a new campaign of fear and terror in “Plandemic 2.0” designed to disrupt the economy, further restrict freedom, and disrupt election 2024.  Dr. Vliet describes the ways in which 5G EMF radiation triggers intensified physical damage that is already occurring in the body injury from COVID injections, COVID illness and the emerging threat of Marburg, Ebola, and Nipah viral hemorrhagic fevers.

Nipah Virus Fear-Mongering, Comirnaty Deception, UN/WHO Control of World Health: Headed for A Medical Prison

Nipah virus fear mongering escalates – right on schedule to terrorize people into getting another experimental mRNA injection. The media is ramping up their scare tactics for the Nipah virus, a virus that was identified 24 years ago (1999) and has probably been around since 1947. In all this time Nipah virus has only caused worldwide deaths in less than 200 people over 24 years! Nipah virus has caused rare, isolated, and limited outbreaks in equatorial Africa and Asia

mRNA Contamination of Food Supply: Existential Threat to Human and Animal Life

Veterinary experts warn that we face an existential threat to the survival of human and animal life with Big Pharma’s plans underway to push the experimental mRNA vaccines into the veterinary market—including all the animals used for food for humans, as well as domestic pets. These gene therapy agents, not only carrying mRNA of unknown damage potential, but also contaminated with plasmid DNA and containing highly toxic lipid nanoparticles, threaten life in all species injected with these unsafe, toxic, poorly manufactured products that have no adequate safety or effectiveness studies.


In August-September of 2023, the FDA is again repeating the fraud perpetrated on America and the world in 2021 announcing “approval” of the Emergency Use Authorization experimental COVID shots, deceptively called “vaccines” instead of the correct gene therapy description of the new mRNA technology. America, at NO TIME in 2021 or in 2023 have we had available for use a fully FDA-approved “vaccine” for COVID.

Weaponization of “Health Emergencies”: Assault on Second Amendment and Human Rights

Under the false pretext of a “health emergency” New Mexico’s Democrat Governor issued an unconstitutional ban on citizens’ rights to carry legally-owned firearms. Fortunately for the citizens of New Mexico, Sheriff John Allen of Bernalillo County kept his oath to the Constitution and to the people he was elected to serve and defied the NM Governor.