Police Union and Attorneys Lead Community Resistance to Tyrannical COVID Mandates

Akron City Council imposed draconian restrictions on freedom, violating all Constitutional rights, during COVID.  The courage of one Fraternal Order of Police Union President, in conjunction with two men from Mendenhall Law Group empowered others to resist the City Council’s tyranny on limits of visitors in homes, limits on size of gatherings, masking mandates, and later the COVID injections mandates.

Slaughter of Innocents: Israel Now, Is America Next?

Innocent civilians –women, babies, children, teenagers and the elderly in Israel were brutally and barbarically slaughtered on the Jewish Sabbath October 7, 2023 in the attack by Hamas on the 50th Anniversary of the 1973 Sabbath terrorist attack that also occurred on the Sabbath and religious holiday Sukot, or the Feast of Tabernacles, when Christians and Jews celebrate the connection between God and his people, making the terrorist attack even more symbolic of the massive battle between the forces of good and evil. Biden’s Department of Defense abandoned in Afghanistan over 85 BILLION dollars of highly sophisticated state of the art US.

Dangerous Spread of mRNA “Vaccines” and DNA Contamination into Veterinary Market, Food Supply, and Breast Milk

Our international team of scientists, veterinary and human medicine physicians, and investigative journalists expose the emerging dangers of a major push for MRNA injections across the entire veterinary field—livestock, domestic pets and animals in general—in spite of the risk to people and the environment with wholesale release of genetic material into humans, animals and plants.

PLANDEMIC 2.0: Disrupt Economy, Election 2024 and Set in Motion Medical Martial Law.

International attorney Todd Callender provides the legal Framework for government tools used to create a new campaign of fear and terror in “Plandemic 2.0” designed to disrupt the economy, further restrict freedom, and disrupt election 2024.  Dr. Vliet describes the ways in which 5G EMF radiation triggers intensified physical damage that is already occurring in the body injury from COVID injections, COVID illness and the emerging threat of Marburg, Ebola, and Nipah viral hemorrhagic fevers.