WEAPONS OF TERROR: 9-11Attacks and COVID-19 Shots

On this 22nd anniversary of the terror attack on American soil September 11th 2001 that cost over 3500 lives that day alone, we remember those who died and those injured, as well as those who suffered long-term health consequences working at Ground Zero –many of whom died prematurely of damage from the toxic exposures during the massive clean-up.

CDC’s Latest COVID Fear-Mongering vs DATA from Scientific FACTS

In another round of fear-mongering, as if this is something new, the CDC issued a press release on August 23 saying “New COVID-19 Variant Could Cause Infections in Vaccinated People.” CDC officials know full well that through all the years of pushing flu vaccines, people still got the flu. CDC and FDA also knew before Emergency Use Authorization was granted for the COVID shots that Pfizer and the other manufacturers had not done any testing to determine if the shots prevented transmission or prevented future episodes of illness.

UK MP Andrew Bridgen Details MHRA’s Alleged Criminal Conduct in EUA Approval of Pfizer’s COVID Shots

UK experts discuss the catastrophic failures and criminal conduct of Britain’s Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the emergency use authorization of Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 injections and boosters. Shockingly, 84% of the entire budget for Britain’s medicines regulatory agency comes from Big Pharma, and the agency’s proper regulatory authority to insure public safety has been gutted by these financial conflicts, and by the separate and parallel regulatory agency under direction of the Bill Gates Foundation, WEF and WHO.