Vaccine Report: Big Pharma’s mRNA Shots Coming After Your T-Cells and Food

Big Pharma’s relentless assault with gene-changing technologies continues with today’s discussion using our T-Cell immunity pathways and “edible vaccines” in vegetables and livestock (pigs, cattle, chickens, lamb), milk, and eggs as the latest vehicles to get the synthetic mRNA into our bodies – whether we want it or not. Part I discusses the brand new published research on T-Cell mRNA technology –published by BionTech itself before clinical trials completed and before any open source, independent peer review of their findings. Part II discusses the alarming accelerating efforts to permeate our food supply—meats and vegetables—with “edible” mRNA vaccines that are not disclosed to the public in full transparency.

Vaccine Report: Rogue WHO Telegraphs New Plandemic & Pfizer’s Catastrophic COVID Shot Damage Continues

Recent developments in the UK and Europe expose further shocking rogue actions by the World Health Organization (WHO) that show even worse pre-planning of deadly harm to humanity than had previously been public. Drs. Jonathan Gilthorpe (Sweden) and former Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer worldwide and now whistleblower Dr. Mike Yeadon discuss new legal reports of a hidden WHO regulatory framework used to bypass the proper vaccine and medicines regulatory authorities of countries around the world to unleash the experimental COVID shots without normal safety and manufacturing standards being required.