UK MP Andrew Bridgen Details MHRA’s Alleged Criminal Conduct in EUA Approval of Pfizer’s COVID Shots

UK experts discuss the catastrophic failures and criminal conduct of Britain’s Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the emergency use authorization of Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 injections and boosters. Shockingly, 84% of the entire budget for Britain’s medicines regulatory agency comes from Big Pharma, and the agency’s proper regulatory authority to insure public safety has been gutted by these financial conflicts, and by the separate and parallel regulatory agency under direction of the Bill Gates Foundation, WEF and WHO.

mRNA COVID Shots: A Giant, Dangerous, Fantasy

Toxic by design, the COVID shots were known to cause disability and death long before they were unleashed on the world. Listen to Pharma Insiders expose more about what was known and when they knew it, and why millions of people around the world are “walking time bombs” of damage going on inside their bodies that is leading to the epidemic of “sudden death.”

Covid Bounty

Scott Quiner Update: Criminal Investigation Into Doctors, How They’re KILLING, Payoffs for MURDER!

Original Article @ StewPeters.TV On Monday, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet joined the Stew Peters Show to detail corruption on par with war crimes. According to Dr. Vilet, prisoners in America’s jails now have more visitation rights than COVID patients in hospitals. One family member, a professional psychologist with a career focus on treating victims of …