2020 Prediction of Plummeting Western Population Unfolding On Schedule With Skyrocketing COVID Vaccine-Induced Deaths

Current data on deaths and dramatic drop in live birth rates in highly COVID-vaxxed Western countries show such catastrophic population decline that experts conclude we are on track to see the ominous depopulation forecasts for 2025 projected by Deagle.com in 2020: decrease of 77.1% in the United Kingdom, decrease of 68.5% in the United States, decrease of 65.1 % in Germany, decrease of 48.3% in Israel, decrease of 34.6% in Australia and similar alarming declines in other Western countries

Threats to Freedom: Military-grade Weapons on US Border, Election Fraud, IGAs Controlling Local Governments

US Military weapons originally deployed to Ukraine are now showing on the US southern border between Arizona and Mexico, as reported in todays Whistleblower Report by MSG Jack Dona, US Army (Ret). The heavy-duty weapons, including AT-4’s and RPG-7 shoulder fired anti-armor weapons, are now in the hands of Mexican drug cartels and terrorists illegally crossing our border under the Biden Administration “open door” policy.

NEW WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT: US ARMY Ignores Religious Exemption – Losses Another Green Beret Over COVID Era Vax Mandates

John Frankman was a Captain in the Army who served as a Green Beret assigned to 7th Special Forces Group. With training in Airborne and Ranger Schools, and completion of SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape) and the Military Free Fall Course, Captain Frankman was one of America’s elite Special Forces operators.

The Patience of Job: What Does It Mean to be “Totally Humbled?”

Many have heard about the patience of Job, but do we ever stop to consider the total humbleness of Job? Like many today, Job suffered mostly alone in the trials he faced, with the exception of the support of his wife and some of his servants. Yet, even Job’s wife reached her limit and separated herself from him by challenging his belief. In Job 2:9 we read: “Then his wife said to him, ‘Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!’”

CDC’s Latest COVID Fear-Mongering vs DATA from Scientific FACTS

In another round of fear-mongering, as if this is something new, the CDC issued a press release on August 23 saying “New COVID-19 Variant Could Cause Infections in Vaccinated People.” CDC officials know full well that through all the years of pushing flu vaccines, people still got the flu. CDC and FDA also knew before Emergency Use Authorization was granted for the COVID shots that Pfizer and the other manufacturers had not done any testing to determine if the shots prevented transmission or prevented future episodes of illness.

Landmark DoD Lawsuit Stopped Planned Use of Force for COVID Injection Mandates

Military service member Staff SGT Dan Roberts knew that COVID was a low risk illness to healthy and fit military. When the mandates came down for all military to be forcefully vaccinated against their will and against regulations in the UCMJ and US Constitution, he courageously volunteered to be the lead plaintiff in the first lawsuit against the Department of Defense.

COVID SHOTS VERDICT: “No Evidence of Safety OR Effectiveness”

The VERDICT is in. Covid shots have no evidence of safety OR effectiveness, as meticulously documented in the international expert WITNESS STATEMENT OF Dr. Pedro Morago from the UK, which concludes: “From the data available, there is no sufficient evidence that FDA and MHRA have conducted a rigorous, critical appraisal of the evidence of efficacy/effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines with explicit reference to the key criteria of External Validity, Internal Validity and Reliability.

Andrew Schlafly: Legal Warrior Against Medical Tyranny of DoD, FDA and Medical Boards

Department of Defense is the target of this latest lawsuit to defend the human rights of our volunteer military service members against the unlawful mandate to be injected with experimental COVID gene therapy prototype shots. Todd Callender, Esq and Andrew Schlafly, Esq and their legal team filed on August 17, 2023 for an En Banc hearing of their case, Robert v. Austin against the Biden Administration Secretary of Defense.

The Global Control Agenda: Connections with Climate Change Lies, Maui Fires and Precipitous Fertility Decline

Humanity faces an existential threat with assaults on our lives, the environment, our economic freedom to control and use our own money, and on where we are allowed to live. Today’s discussion of these multiple threats with former Pfizer Vice President and biotech scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon, Swedish scientist Dr. Jonathan Gilthorpe and Croatian journalist Andrija Klaricincludes a look at the lack of transparency about the Maui wildfires that may tie into the broader control agenda we face for every aspect of our lives.