Vindman Twins Ukraine Connections Trigger Revenge on US Army Lieutenant

Ukraine-born Trump impeachment conspirator Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, USA Ret., had a meltdown after the censure of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was announced by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives as a result of Schiff’s lies and deceitful conduct falsely accusing President Trump of Russian collusion. In conduct unbecoming a military officer, Vindman verbally attacked Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Breitbart reporter Kristina Wong, calling Wong a “bitch.”

Pride Goes Before the Fall: Fallout From National Pride Month

June in America was taken over by the religion of “Pride.” Pride month is a celebration of everything the LGBTQ+ community celebrates and worships. This ideological movement tolerates NO dissent or criticism. Those who dare speak out against it are vilified and attacked as engaging in “hate speech.” There is no forgiveness and no “fair trial” for anyone who disagrees with the “Pride” ideology.

Airline Abuses of Employees and EEOC Cover-up

Major US airlines have systematically violated the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 in massive abuses of their employees’ human and civil rights with the unlawful COVID mandates for masking, testing, and firing employees who exercised their Constitutional rights and refused the experimental EUA COVID injections. Delta Flight Attendant Laurie Parke and American Airlines Pilot, Captain Bahig Saliba, share their story of abuse and retaliation by their employers and the EEOC cover-up and failure to act on EEOC complaints that the EEOC’s own investigators ruled as legitimate for further EEOC action.

Canada’s Wildfires: Climate Change? Or Arson and Ecoterrorism?

Media pundits and politicians blamed Canada’s massive wildfires on “climate change,” – but is this really the trigger?

“Climate change” is the globalists and politicians’ “buzzword” for every event we face in today’s world. The Canadian media brazenly hides the fact that Canada has experienced a record number of documented arsons—fires deliberately set—and continue to, i.e., to the public that the fraud of “climate change” is to blame.

FREEDOM REPORT – The Pottinger Supremacy: The Road to the Takedown of Jeffrey Epstein

Stanley Pottinger played a central role in signing-off Watergate, the Kent State Massacre, and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. But as his time at the Justice Dept. came to an end, he also helped his good friend and CIA director, George H. W. Bush, in other ways. However, Bush was not Pottinger’s only connection to the world of intelligence during this period, he was also busy smuggling arms with Jeffrey Epstein himself. Welcome to the Pottinger Supremacy.

INSIDE BIG PHARMA – Croatia’s War for Freedom From COVID Tyranny

Croatian entrepreneur and civil activist Andrija Klarić has been exposing HALMED, Croatia’s medicines regulatory agency similar to the US FDA, and reporting on their fraudulent practices in the manufacturing and distribution supply chains and lack of proper due diligence. Rather than accept their glib, ill-informed answers, he has been aggressively digging into the very heart of the corruption and collusion that has covered up the dangers of the SARS-CoV-2 injections for the Croatian people as a result of the violations of good manufacturing practices and also exposing similar lack of regulatory oversight on safety by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).