Expert Expose: Inside the Black Box of Big Pharma

Inside Pharma launches as a weekly feature of Truth for Health Foundation Whistleblower Report to provide a laser-guided “missile” into the secret “Black Box” that is Big Pharma today. We help you understand the cover-up, lies, and deception going on within the pharmaceutical industry that are causing damage and death to patients worldwide.

Military Report: Biden’s Gargantuan Fraud on COVID Mandates

The illegality of mandates is confirmed explicitly in that law, i.e., the “option to accept or refuse,” and are also supported by 21 CFR 50.25 and the 2005 DoD EUA precedent for anthrax vaccine that was also an illegal mandate eventually overturned by the courts and subsequently led Congress to enact added federal legislation to protect America’s military from future similar abuses – all of which have been ignored in the management of the COVID pandemic and unlawful mandates using EUA products deceptively foisted off the military and civilian public as “approved” for COVID.

Medical Report: Flying Blind FAA Failure To Protect Public From Vaccine-Injured Pilots

These federal agencies and industry groups have been duly notified in sworn affidavits from legal and medical experts of the irrefutable evidence of the widespread damage and deaths from the COVID shots. This evidence came from the detailed medical records in the military’s DMED database and was delivered by one of the top Army Flight Surgeons to Senator Ron Johnson, who then confronted the Secretary of Defense about this crisis and threats to public safety.

Military Report: Whistleblowers Expose Mask Mandates Based on Lies

How were the mask mandates used to control people and destroy freedom? What are the dangers and health threats of wearing masks all day at work? What can you do to stand against the mask tyranny employers impose on people? How do you, as one individual, help with specific steps that help advocate for everyone affected by these unlawful mask mandates? These questions answered…

Vaccine Report: Rogue WHO Telegraphs New Plandemic & Pfizer’s Catastrophic COVID Shot Damage Continues

Recent developments in the UK and Europe expose further shocking rogue actions by the World Health Organization (WHO) that show even worse pre-planning of deadly harm to humanity than had previously been public. Drs. Jonathan Gilthorpe (Sweden) and former Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer worldwide and now whistleblower Dr. Mike Yeadon discuss new legal reports of a hidden WHO regulatory framework used to bypass the proper vaccine and medicines regulatory authorities of countries around the world to unleash the experimental COVID shots without normal safety and manufacturing standards being required.

Dr. Mike Yeadon and Hedley Rees Describe Pharma’s Descent into Doomsday

Career Pharma executives and insiders, Dr. Mike Yeadon and Hedley Rees, in a shocking exposé, discuss evidence that Pharma executives and researchers demonstrated “malice aforethought,” knew the pandemic was coming, planned for it over the last 25 years, engaged in clinical trial fraud, improper and unsafe manufacturing to produce unlicensed products that have led to the global doomsday of …