COVID is far from the first time our government agencies have been acting as mad scientists in taxpayer-funded bioresearch laboratories experimenting with dangerous pathogens. In the 1970’s Army researchers were experimenting with pathogens at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center in Long Island Sound, when inadequate filtration maintenance resulted in an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) that led to the emergency killing and burning of more than 72,000 pounds of live cows, sheep, goats and other animals in just 48 hours. There was a massive cover-up at the time of the destruction of these animals and the disease outbreak.
Whistleblower Report – 1.22.24 – DAVOS Cartel Tightens Screws on World Censorship
The World Economic Forum Club of global predators concluded their annual luxury “meeting” in Davos, Switzerland by declaring themselves as the “Masters of the Universe,” and warned the rest of us that “humanity’s greatest threats.”
BIG PHARMA mRNA Profits Fund WEF/WHO Global Tyranny – 1.19.23 – Whistleblower Report
Big Pharma is swimming in windfall profits with the global governments paying Pfizer, Moderna J&J, and Astra Zeneca to produce the experimental mRNA COVID injections…that in turn are causes new and aggressive diseases that Big Pharma provides more of their high profit drugs to treat symptoms by every body part…
DISEASE X: Weapon of FEAR for Geopolitical Control of Humanity
The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum began January 15, 2024 in Davos Switzerland with the predictable fear-mongering broadcasting the WHO/WEF/UN cabal’s continued assault on the health, freedom, and very lives of people around the world. Although WEF and WHO clearly say this new disease is “hypothetical and unknown” that supposedly can cause TWENTY TIMES more deaths than coronavirus, they are inexplicably preparing “Counter-measures” and “vaccines” for this very hypothetical, unknown disease.
Regulatory Lie: DOD Countermeasures Masquerading As “Pharmaceuticals”
Those who claim the FDA is “failing” its regulatory function to oversee the COVID shots are missing a critical point: The COVID shots are not classified as pharmaceuticals, which are the purview of FDA’s regulatory authority. The COVID shots are manufacturing prototypes by contract with the US Department of Defense for “covered countermeasures.” This point is set forth clearly in the legal opinion by the Judge in the Brook Jackson case filed against Pfizer in federal court.
LESSONS FOR TODAY: The Courageous, Bold Obedience of Joseph and Mary
How did the Messiah come? He came by way of the strongest bond known to man and the lowest form of government, the family unit! Have you ever contemplated the courage, strength, and obedience that Joseph and Mary displayed for us?
Whistleblower Report – 12.15.23 – Father Abraham and Immanuel, the Promised Seed!
Who are the sons of Abraham, and why does it matter? Christians accept Abraham as the “Father of Faith.” It’s a spiritual understanding and not necessarily a physical bloodline, all the though the bloodline is important as well. His act of faith is the ultimate example a father should set, for his Godly children. The scriptures are clear, we may all be grafted spiritually into the family of Abraham.
NDAA 2024: Congress Must Act to Hold DoD Accountable for Harms to Military
Congress has the duty under the United States Constitution to be the civilian oversight of the US Military and Department of Defense (DoD). Yet with the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) language, set to be passed in December before Christmas recess, Congress has once again failed to require the Department of Defense they oversee to reinstate and correct the discharge records for those military service members unlawfully terminated for exercising their legal right to refuse the experimental COVD-19 shots.