Whistleblower Report – 12.15.23 – Father Abraham and Immanuel, the Promised Seed!

Who are the sons of Abraham, and why does it matter? Christians accept Abraham as the “Father of Faith.” It’s a spiritual understanding and not necessarily a physical bloodline, all the though the bloodline is important as well. His act of faith is the ultimate example a father should set, for his Godly children. The scriptures are clear, we may all be grafted spiritually into the family of Abraham.

NDAA 2024: Congress Must Act to Hold DoD Accountable for Harms to Military

Congress has the duty under the United States Constitution to be the civilian oversight of the US Military and Department of Defense (DoD).  Yet with the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) language, set to be passed in December before Christmas recess, Congress has once again failed to require the Department of Defense they oversee to reinstate and correct the discharge records for those military service members unlawfully terminated for exercising their legal right to refuse the experimental COVD-19 shots. 

War in Middle East: An Israeli Perspective Media Ignores

Westerners from cultures primarily based on Judeo-Christian values have difficulty understanding the mindset of radical terrorists and wanton brutality and intentional murder of innocent civilians because that has not been the rules of engagement in war followed by militaries of America and other Western countries.  This asymmetric warfare as practiced from the days of Genghis Khan onward, and perfected by today’s terrorists and Communist China, exploits the psychological and cultural weaknesses of Western societies who seek peaceful resolution to armed conflicts. 

Whistleblower Report – 12.01.23 – Honey: Nature’s Miracle of Health and Medical Benefits

Most of us remember our grandmothers using honey for medicinal value when we were sick with a cold or sore throat.  Honey’s antibacterial properties have been recognized down through the ages. Honey has been classified by WHO and USDA as a simple sugar, but there is actually significant data showing that honey contains rare and complex sugars that in fact improve blood glucose control in diabetics, lowering fasting glucose, Hemoglobin A1A, and even improving cholesterol.

In the Eye of the Storm: Croatia Parliament Hearing on Where Is the World Headed in 2024?

In the Eye of the Storm is a two-day international conference for Members of Parliament in Croatia spearheaded by Croatian businessman and journalist, Andrija Klaric, a member of the Truth for Health Foundation International Advisory Council. Special guest speaker Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP, and whistleblower sounding the alarm since fall 2020 about the dangers of the mRNA technology, brings his unique perspective to today’s discussion of the dangers we face on multiple fronts: experimental mRNA injections, lockdowns, skyrocketing deaths from the COVID shots, turbo cancers exploding worldwide following the COVID shots, vaccine passports, digital IDs, Central bank controlled programmable digital currency (CBDC), and the end game of digital prisons and depopulation.