In honor of Veteran’s Day, the Whistleblower is honored to hear from MSG Jack Dona, US Army (Ret), who served 4 decades in the US Military as an intelligence and electronic warfare officer with combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and whose father, uncle served in Korea, Vietnam, and two brothers who served in more recent US military combat operations. It is a proud tradition of a family who served God and country with duty honor courage and commitment.
“Ultimate Conspiracy Theory:” Pharisees Cover up the Resurrection
“What is Truth?” Pontius Pilate asks Jesus this question before he casts judgement on him. The Truth can be hard to find especially in these current times in America. Lies seem to come from all directions and are blended with a little bit of truth to confuse the masses. As the saying goes, “a lie makes it around the world before the truth puts is pants on.”
COVID Shots ARE Killing People…And People ARE Noticing.
Celebrities dying suddenly, athletes dying suddenly, young people and children found dead in their sleep at home, excess deaths are skyrocketing since the COVID shots rolled out in January 2021. What’s going on? Why are our public health officials and government agencies not disclosing the actual data on the catastrophic damage to people from the COVID shots?
Totalitarian Threats Closing In: Will YOU Take A Stand?
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and whistleblower fighting for the survival of humanity now and Andrija Klaric, freedom fighter in Croatia who stood against the tyranny of Communism in Croatia’s war for independence in 1990 describe the massive assaults on our freedom coming from all directions today.
USAF Continued Religious Exemption Denials, Purging Service Members
The US Air Force continues its betrayal of the United States Constitution in ongoing blanket denials of religious accommodation request for those whose faith directs them to refuse the experimental gene therapy COVID shots. It is an egregious violation of the US Constitution and uniform code of military justice that is ongoing in spite of Congress directing the Department of Defense to cease mandating the experimental COVID injections. The latest service member to be purged from the USAF is a young Cuban-American woman, Briana Céspedes, who loves America, and is committed to her faith and her Oath to the US Constitution.
When Job and Military Career Are Lost: Is There a Disguised Blessing?
The persecution of unvaccinated military service members, especially those who applied for religious accommodations, has continued unabated throughout 2021, 2022, and 2023. With more than 10,000 involuntary terminations, over 100,000 early retirements, and many thousands those who did not re-enlist, America has lost nearly 200,000 highly experienced military service members across all branches and all occupational specialties –including fighter pilots and special forces operators, senior level commanders, and many other specialists.
BBC: State Agent of Lies, But Truth for the People Prevails
British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen is a powerful truth teller risking everything to save lives in the UK and for humanity around the world. On October 20th, 2023 he presented a solid fact-based program to UK House of Commons in Parliament on the massive rise in excess deaths in the UK from the COVID injections. He had been trying for months to arrange this event to expose the malfeasance with the manufacturers of the experimental gene therapy mRNA COVID shots and the failure of the MHRA regulatory authority to provide safety and manufacturing quality oversight to protect the public.
The American medical system and the Faith institutions in America –Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish—are largely all working with the orchestrated censorship and propaganda from Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government pushing the deceptive and false narrative that the experimental mRNA COVID injections are “safe and effective.”
Biden’s Decimation of US Military: The Purge Continues
Military mandates and shadow policies have not gone away, in spite of Congress generating politically useful publicity by rescinding the COVID shot mandates. The Biden administration’s betrayal of the US military and our national security continues with persecution, marginalization, and purging of service members who choose to exercise their Constitutional rights to refuse the experimental covid shots and those who apply for religious exemptions to traditional vaccines as well.
Becoming A Free American: Exiting the Corporation USA
What is the difference between being a citizen of The United States of America, versus being an American State National? Do you know the difference between the corporation of the United States and America, the Constitutional Republic (known simply as The Republic)?